Peden Files for District 14 Congressional Race

Promises to represent true conservative values

Published: 01-02-08

Friendswood TX – Yesterday Chris Peden Mayor Pro Tem of Friendswood officially filed as a candidate for the Republican nomination in Texas’ 14th Congressional District.  Peden a Certified Public Accountant and small business owner was elected to the Friendswood City Council in 2005 and unanimously chosen by his colleagues to serve as Mayor Pro Tem. 

“The people of Texas’ Fourteenth Congressional District deserve a true conservative voice in Congress.  They deserve a congressman that will support our troops and the War on Terror” said Peden.  “They deserve a voice that will defend traditional family values always protect the innocent and unborn and support lower taxes and a smaller government.  They deserve a proven and true conservative.” 
Peden is a strong fiscal and social conservative.  As Mayor Pro Tem Peden led the successful effort to deliver a $1 million dollar property tax refund for the citizens of Friendswood.   

Peden has received early grassroots support from across the district.  State Republican Executive Committee members Kathy Haigler and Dennis Paul both recently endorsed Peden’s candidacy adding to a growing list of Republican grassroots endorsements. 

“Kathy and Dennis are proven Republican leaders and they represent the large community of grassroots Republicans across the district backing my campaign for true conservative values” said Peden.  “The interests of the voters in our district have been ignored for too long and with their trust and support I promise to be a strong conservative voice for them in Congress.”  

Chris and his wife Jackie have been married for nineteen years and live in Friendswood with their four children.
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