Peden Seeks Impeachment Inquiry for U.S. District Court Judge Samuel B. Kent

Published: 11-27-07

Friendswood - “It is well past time for an inquiry into whether or not sufficient grounds exist for the impeachment of U.S. District Court Judge Samuel B. Kent.” said Onzelo Markum political director for the Peden campaign.

Quoting from a letter sent to Congressman Lamar Smith (R-San Antonio) the ranking member on the House Judiciary Committee Chris Peden the Republican congressional candidate for TX-14 declared “This extraordinary step has become necessary due to a breakdown in the judicial branch’s enforcement of judicial discipline on one of their own.
When the judicial branch fails to address serious allegations of judicial misconduct (including allegations of sexual harassment and sexual assault) in a forthright and appropriate matter as the Fifth Circuit’s judicial council arguably has done in this case  the Constitution provides the U.S. Congress only one course of action: opening an impeachment inquiry.”

Markum continued “This is a serious matter with grave consequences for the public confidence in the fair administration of justice in this District Court. The Galveston Division of the Southern District of Texas which covers Galveston Matagorda Chambers and Brazoria counties has now had its only sitting judge removed.”

“I believe” Peden emphasized in the letter “the House Judiciary Committee should with all deliberate speed open an impeachment inquiry. While I support the Committee’s recent decision to wait until the completion of any criminal investigation to make a final decision on whether to impeach Judge Kent or not I believe an impeachment inquiry should be opened now. Only after the Judiciary Committee has conducted a fair thorough and detailed investigation will Committee members be able to consider whether Articles of Impeachment are warranted or not.”

Peden concluded by saying “on behalf of the constituents in the 14th congressional district I respectfully request that the Judiciary Committee launch an impeachment inquiry concerning Judge Kent’s conduct in this matter.”
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