Pending Energy Bill Would Send Record-High Gas Prices in Texas Even Higher

Published: 11-20-07

WASHINGTON—U.S. Sen. John Cornyn R-Texas today issued the following statement calling for improvements to pending energy legislation in Congress as the AAA released a report indicating Texans are paying the highest-ever November gasoline prices:

 “As Texans take to the roads to visit family and friends for Thanksgiving heavy holiday traffic won’t be the only headache they face this year. Gas prices across the state have risen to their highest November level in Texas history. Ironically at the same time some in Congress are attempting to pass energy legislation that would only increase our dependence on foreign oil and keep gas prices on the rise.
“At a time when we should do everything we can to increase our domestic energy supply as a matter of national and economic security the pending legislation in Congress would discourage important efforts to recover rich oil and gas supplies here at home. These new restrictions not to mention billions of dollars in new tax penalties would hit hardest here in Texas—the nation’s leading energy-producing state—jeopardizing the lifeblood of our state’s economy and thousands of jobs.

“Instead we should be working to implement policies that further domestic exploration efforts such as Gulf of Mexico Energy Security Act of 2006 which I supported and became law last year that opens up millions of acres for oil and gas leasing in the energy-rich Eastern Gulf of Mexico. I will continue working for a solid energy bill that recognizes the realities of our present needs does not increase energy costs and moves us toward greater energy security and economic prosperity.”

According to the latest AAA Texas gasoline price survey the statewide average retail gasoline price has reached its highest-ever November level:

Amarillo: $3.120 up 4.6 cents

Austin-San Marcos: $3.000 up 3.4 cents

Beaumont: $2.974 up 1.5 cents

Corpus Christi: $2.950 up 1.3 cents

Dallas: $2.962 up 1.5 cents

El Paso: $3.006 up 7.4 cents

Fort Worth: $2.946 unchanged

Galveston-Texas City: $2.918 up 4.1 cents

Houston: $2.902 up 4.0 cents

San Antonio: $2.963 up 2.6 cents

Texarkana (Texas only): $3.022 up 2.2 cents

State: $2.973 up 3.0 cents

Nationally: $3.112 up 5.1 cents

Sen. Cornyn serves on the Armed Services Judiciary and Budget Committees. In addition he is Vice Chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Ethics. He serves as the top Republican on the Judiciary Committee’s Immigration Border Security and Refugees subcommittee and the Armed Services Committee’s Airland subcommittee.
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