Texas Association of School Administrators asks Congress to remove Doggetts provisions
Texas Insider Report: AUSTIN Texas Had the Congressional majority chosen to work for Texas schoolchildren & teachers instead of playing partisan politics this money could already be on its way to our school districts" said Gov. Rick Perry today as he announced Texas is taking legal action to obtain $830 million in federal funding for Texas

schools that the state has been prevented from receiving by U.S. Rep. Lloyd Doggetts unconstitutional anti-Texas amendment to the federal emergency education jobs bill (H.R. 1586).
Texas taxpayers are footing the bill for the education jobs fund and Texas hardworking teachers deserve their share of that money" Gov. Perry said.
Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott filed suit in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit after the U.S. Department of Education (ED) wrongfully rejected the states application and after numerous attempts by the state to

negotiate with federal officials.
The suit asserts that ED misinterpreted the Doggett Amendment or the amendment itself places unconstitutional conditions on Texas.
Texas Education Agency Commissioner Robert Scott submitted Texas application to the ED for these funds on Sept. 3 making all required assurances that do not violate the Texas Constitution or law. The application was denied making Texas the only state in the nation rejected by ED.
Despite repeated requests by the governors office ED officials were unwilling or unable to provide the state assurances in writing that ED has the authority to and will reserve the $830 million in funds for Texas.
It is unclear whether H.R. 1586 allows ED to reallocate funds after September 24 2010. Todays court filing will prohibit ED from diverting the $830 million allocated to Texas during the judicial review process.
In addition to working with state leaders and education officials many attempts to work with ED officials and todays legal action Gov. Perry continues to support
legislation filed by U.S. Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison and Congressman Michael Burgess that would repeal the sections of the misdirected Doggett amendment preventing Texas schools from receiving their funds.
Gov. Perry has also sent letters to school groups and school administrators

urging them to contact Congress to support repeal.
The Texas Association of School Administrators has already written a letter asking Congress to remove these provisions.
Gov. Perry remains hopeful that Doggetts anti-Texas amendment will be repealed and he will continue to explore every possible avenue to secure the $830 million for the benefit of Texas teachers and schoolchildren.