Published: 08-25-08
AUSTIN – Gov. Rick Perry today requested a major presidential disaster declaration for Starr and Wichita counties as a result of severe storms and flooding that occurred on August 18. On Wednesday the governor issued a state disaster declaration due to the damage these communities sustained as a result of the storms.
“Recent flooding across the state has devastated communities damaging homes and public buildings and threatening livestock and agriculture” Gov. Perry said. “State resources and volunteer organizations are on site providing assistance. Local officials and first responders have done an outstanding job in protecting our citizens during these dangerous and damaging floods.”
The major presidential disaster declaration opens the door for Individual Assistance programs which assist individuals and families for losses that are not covered by insurance and can include financial assistance temporary housing tax relief legal services crisis counseling Disaster Unemployment Assistance and Small Business Administration Disaster Loans.
The counties are also eligible for Public Assistance which is provided for damages to roads bridges water treatment facilities publicly-owned utilities and other public structures.