Perry: Texas Strong Economy Built Upon Solid Values

Governor Accepts Honor from American Legislative Exchange Council width=128Texas Insider Report: AUSTIN Texas   Credit for Texas economic success goes primarily to hardworking Texans and also to our legislators who have gone the extra mile to cultivate our job-friendly climate. I accept this award on their behalf" said Gov. Rick Perry today as he  received the American Legislative Exchange Councils (ALEC) Thomas Jefferson Freedom Award during the groups 37th Annual Meeting. Texas is living proof of what happens when you apply conservative fiscal disciplines & stay focused on the right priorities instead of trying to be all things to all people." The Thomas Jefferson Freedom Award is ALECs highest honor given annually to a current or former public official who has established an exemplary record of advancing the fundamental Jeffersonian principles of free markets limited government federalism and individual liberty as a nationally recognized leader. President Ronald Reagan received the inaugural award in 1990 and other past recipients include President George H.W. Bush President George W. Bush former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich and Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour. Earlier in the day the governor joined Texas Speaker of the House Joe Straus at a Texas Talks Economy" meeting with various companies and business leaders discussing the benefits of doing business in Texas. In this current competitive climate in these tough times for the global economy Texas is holding up remarkably well" Gov. Perry said. As Americans look for the best place to live work and raise a family more of them are heading to Texas all the time. Business owners are seeking relief from growing tax burdens and increasing government interference and they are also choosing the Lone Star State." I am proud of the innovative steps weve taken in Texas to expand our economy and create jobs" said Speaker Joe Straus.  Texas is a new frontier of opportunity and our state is attracting new business and jobs because we have a fiscally conservative Legislature and strong leadership from Gov. Rick Perry." ALEC is a nonpartisan membership association for state lawmakers who share a common belief in limited government free markets federalism and individual liberty. For more information about ALEC please visit
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