Personal Smears Against Rush

By Brent Bozell brent-bozellIts a consistent line from the left: Conservative talk radio is a cauldron of hate. In the Clinton years a CBS News promo set out to warn the public about the dangers of Gordon Liddy: The words are shocking ... What he says may not be illegal but is it dangerous? Has free speech gone too far? Hate radio under fire and firing back. It is an unmistakable unquestionable resoundingly unequivocal exercise in liberal hypocrisy. The airwaves are now filled with the meanest most insulting most dishonest ad hominems in history. They are coming from left-wing talk show hosts. And from CBS & Co.? Dead silence. Take Ed Schultz the closest thing the liberals have to a talk-radio star. He comes unglued when he talks of Rush. On July 15 he uncorked this rant: Apparently the drug-ridden loser Rush Limbaugh he thinks because hes got a lot of money and a lot of stations that hes a success in life the guy that cant hear because he did so many drugs and had no self-discipline and character has now taken his first shot at me on The Ed Show on MSNBC. I love it! Schultz then challenged Limbaugh to a debate: Cmon you fat pig. Lets get it on. Im getting ratings without you. Hell Im doing you a favor. Cmon Rush! Lets get it on! Get out of your compound down there. Get away from your drugs. Go see the doctor and get some hearing. Maybe you could pick up a 19th girlfriend. Maybe you could try marriage again. By the way Rush you got any kids? Oh youre out of the mainstream! This is some strange taunting since Schultz is well heavy set and in his second marriage. He does have six children -- and about six listeners. Then theres Ron Reagan the liberal talk show host and the youngest child of the last centurys greatest president. He may have been a ballet dancer in his youth but on May 15 he taunted Limbaugh as less than a full man after he heard Rush making fun of House Speaker Nancy Pelosis Botox shots: Limbaugh hasnt had a natural erection since the Nixon Administration; think hes compensating for something? Now I wouldnt pick on him for any of this stuff not his blubbiness not his man-boobs not his inability to have a natural erection -- none of that stuff -- to me off limits until! Until! -- Mr. Limbaugh you turn that sort of gun on somebody else. Once you start doing that youre fair game fat boy. Absolutely you jiggly pile of mess. The junior Reagan also claimed Limbaugh looked like the unholy spawn of Tony Soprano and the Michelin Man. Surely he made his father proud. It gets uglier still. If we really scrape the bottom of the barrel of liberal talk radio theres Mike Malloy who used to write news scripts for CNN. On Jan. 23 he called Rush the pig man and announced I hope that Im alive when he dies. He is so morbidly overweight. He smokes. He eats his Viagra and goes down to the Dominican Republic to bugger little boys. I just hope that Im around when he croaks. He repeated that ugly mantra five days later: Some horrifyingly intense America-hater like Rush Limbaugh who appears to be morphing into seriously he is morphing into Jabba the Hutt. Ive seen some recent video this guy is enormous. He just keeps bloating up. Its just -- I hope he keeps going because eventually he will croak. Like I said eventually he will choke to death on his own throat fat. Where is CBS to warn the country about hate radio now? The fake-TV-news goons of Comedy Central also spoil the image of liberal charity. On The Daily Show on April 1 unfunny fake-anchorman Jon Stewart screamed about Limbaugh finally selling his property in New York complaining that Rush had been such a burden to the city: We knew he was into drugs so we cleaned up Times Square. We even opened up a Disney Store in the very place he would normally go to buy drugs. Stewart even claimed We outlawed murder figuring he was a guy with a taste for it. There are people who want talk radio to be raucous and aggressive to scorn all the false and forced parliamentary niceties of Washington. Let us be honest: Sometimes conservative talk radio goes too far. But never will you hear a credible conservative talk show host -- say Rush or Hannity or Levin or Ingraham -- resort to this sort of ugliness. They dont have to. They just call liberals liberals and laugh while those liberals explode with outrage. Founder and President of the Media Research Center Brent Bozell runs the largest media watchdog organization in America.
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