Published: 11-25-08
AUSTIN — Frank Phillips College in Borger has received an $800000 job-training grant from the Texas Workforce Commission’s (TWC) Skills Development Fund.
The grant will be used to expand skills training at the college’s welding and safety center.
Texas WorkforceCommission Chairman Tom Pauken (far right) presents an $800000 Skills Development Fund grant to Frank Phillips College (FPC) Board of Regents ViceChairman Steve Williams FPC President Dr. Herbert Swender and state Rep.Warren Chisum. The grant will be used to expand skills training at the college’swelding and safety center.(Photo courtesy of Frank PhillipsCollege.)
“The expansion of welding training at Frank Phillips College will provide high-demand skilled workers to Panhandle-area employers” said state Rep. Warren Chisum. “The Skills Development Fund supports important training and a stronger Texas workforce.”
“Responding to the workforce needs of Texas employers is one of our top priorities and the Skills Development Fund is one of the best methods we have for doing that” said TWC Chairman Tom Pauken. “With these grants area employers gain a custom-trained workforce
In Fiscal Year (FY) 2008 Skills Development Fund grants created or upgraded 19689 jobs which paid an average hourly wage of $24.29. These grants assisted 148 Texas employers with their customized training needs. The Legislature has appropriated $50 million to the Skills Development Fund for the 2008-09 biennium. Employers seeking more information about the Skills Development Fund may visit the TWC Web site at
Frank Phillips College contact: Dr. Herbert Swender at (806) 457-4200 ext. 744.