I want to remind you that the polls open Tues. March 2 2010 from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm. Also dont forget to attend your precinct convention.
Precinct conventions begin at your precinct voting location after the polls close. Precinct conventions are the first level in our partys grassroots organization. Remember government is run by those that show up and these conventions choose delegates to attend the senate district convention.
These conventions choose delegates to attend the state convention. If you have resolutions you would like to see added to the Republican Party Platform bring them to your precinct convention.
During the 81st Legislative Session my legislative agenda was centered on improving life in House District 2. The first 9 pieces of legislation I filed this past legislative session were focused and were crafted and filed at the immediate request of and in conjunction with local City and County elected officials. We were successful in urging the TCEQ in several instances to honor property owners and to ease the burden on tax payers throughout the district.
My office continues to work on our past successes working with Hunt Rains and Van Zandt County officials to provide law enforcement the necessary tools to shut down illegal game rooms. We are currently working with city officials to provide better technology for law enforcement in their fight against narcotic methamphetamines.
Countless hours were spent on bills to improve infrastructure and public services for commercial and residential developments for our cities and surrounding areas. Hundreds of bills moved entirely through the process only to be halted on the House floor by Democrats filibustering over Voter ID. I believe our efforts to increase our numbers of conservative Republicans during this election cycle will be successful and will allow the peoples business to move forward without interruption.
During my tenure of service I have received endorsements from numerous pro business and pro second amendment rights. All of the pro life and pro family groups have honored me for my work on the ongoing fight to prevent state funding of abortion clinics. I co-authored a bill that would have required women to see a sonogram of their babies before choosing abortion.
I was a Joint Author of the Texas Defense of Marriage Act that ultimately resulted in the 2005 Proposition 2 ballot item that defined marriage between a man and a woman. Because of that amendment marriage between a man and a woman is now constitutionally protected in Texas. I also was a Joint-author of the bills that provide for marriage classes prior to marriage and counseling before divorce both efforts to reduce divorce.
I will continue to work with organizations whose primary focus is the protection of traditional Judeo-Christian values so as to defend and support those values. We were also successful in putting God in the pledge to the Texas flag as well as having a monument of silence and saying the pledge to the U. S. and Texas flags in each public class rooms daily. Also public schools can now offer classes in Old and New Testament.
I have been an author joint author or co-author of bills to protect our borders and preserve our states rights and require a photo ID to vote.
My mission remains simple: I will not vote for bills that increase your taxes.
However I will vote for bills that improve the quality of life in House District 2. I will support measures that direct transportation funding away from frivolous purposes and back to improving roads in Hunt Rains and Van Zandt Counties. I will protect traditional family values and individual freedoms.
I look forward to serving as your State Representative in the next term and will continue to defend your wallets and household bottom lines by opposing tax-and-spend bills and supporting common sense balanced budget concepts. As your State Representative over the past 7 years I have never wavered in my commitment to the principles of limited government free market individual freedoms and protection of life and support of traditional family values.
Please remember to vote Tuesday March 2! I would be honored to continue my service to you and would ask that you consider my record of service as you cast your vote:
It remains my pleasure and honor to represent all the people of House District 2. My staff and I continue to welcome your input and your questions. Feel free to contact me: P. O. Box 2910 Austin TX 78768. Email
District2.Flynn@house.state.tx.us. Toll free number 1-800-734-9515.