Position Statement On Energy Independence

Jerry Mikus - Candidate for State Rep. District 50
Published: 08-27-08

width=65History shows that when a country is in serious trouble internally one of two things happens.

One the country fails to solve the problem(s) and is no longer a world leader or two the country is successful when a total commitment is made to comprehensively solve the problem(s) and the country maintains their leadership position. We as citizens have a choice for our country - do we want to continue as a world leader or not.

Our country needs to have a complete comprehensive plan to obtain products that produce clean energy. Almost every product manufactured has a by-product of oil in it. Whether it is electricity gasoline diesel housing materials roadways etc. all require some form of oil.

We need an innovative plan to be all inclusive of wind power solar power shale oil tar sands clean coal natural gas bio fuels oil nuclear power etc. We need to pursue every energy option! T. Boone Pickens is right we need a plan and it must be a comprehensive plan. That means drilling for oil and natural gas. Also mining for shale oil tar sands and coal. Can you turn on your lights when the wind stops blowing? Or are you willing to accept black-outs if the wind is not sufficient to supply electricity?

Our country can be self sufficient with clean energy when we make the commitment like when we needed to win major wars put a man on the moon put a craft on mars etc. Americans have a natural instinct to be winners innovators dreamers and doers. I am! Texas can be the leader in the U.S. to innovate explore and demonstrate ways to secure clean energy. Give Texas the freedom and it will be done! I will support that goal as an elected State Representative for District 50!

For more information on my position on energy and other issues you may visit my High-Priority Issues page.

Please take a moment to browse around the new website at www.JerryMikus.com and share your thoughts and your concerns on the issues that are of importance to you! We are adding new information on the issues facing our citizens often!

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