Pragmatic Dawnna Dukes Puts People Before Politics

By Jim Cardle – President Texas Citizen Action Network
Published: 01-16-08

Was reading a Sunday Austin American Statesman article on former Lt. Gov. Bob Bullock a couple days ago when the thought occurred;

“If it was OK for then-Democratic leaders like Bob Bullock to “work with” Republicans and solve state or local problems surely even accepting contributions from Republican businessmen & women why can’t solution-oriented Democrats today work with Republican leaders without falling subject to the criticism & accusation we’re seeing across Texas in the 2008 Democratic primaries?”

The answer is simple: In Austin – 10 square miles of insanity surrounded by the rest of Texas – doing what’s right & honorable for one’s constituents never gets in the way of hypocritical petty politics.  Say for instance doing whatever is necessary to work with existing leadership to help your district!  That’s “Politics 101”.
But the allure of power has a way of affecting the mind or of causing wannabe politicians – sometimes even studied politicians – to do things that don’t make much sense.

In fact more than anything else 2006’s nationally-oriented election was about trust & keeping promises made to voting constituents – and especially in today’s world of nasty dirty trick politics trust is the glue that holds relationships together. 

Few are those in the Texas House of Representatives today who still master or maintain a level of decency & constituent services to still carry on the art that was once so alive and well during the days of Bob Bullock … few are the politicians who are trusted & can work on both sides of the aisle to “make the impossible possible”.  Politics is after all “the art of the possible”.  It’s a delicate balance.

We find it curious therefore that candidates like the one covered below in a recent Austin blog aren’t just laughed out of town summarily dismissed by the locals. 

Then again history is replete with hypocritical and ambitious politicians – as well a primary contestant wannabes – whose political careers were (thank goodness) cut short when they put personal objectives obvious ambition or blatant low-level politics above their word and civil debate. 

When an elected official breaks their word or goes back on previously made promises to work for the district lost forever is the honor or trust of your constituents or fellow office holders.  Running for serving in and carrying out the responsibilities of any elective office is a difficult and usually a highly regarded position of honor.

That respect and honor has to be meticulously maintained or it can & will be very quickly shattered when elected officials go back on their word or let personal ambitions lead them to sacrifice the honor of their promises – both to their constituents and their fellow office holders.

It leads to disaster not results and representing one’s constituents.

As the 2008 Primary Season in Texas has begun with the New Year we hope its few & far between that we have the opportunity (sic) to share with you the politics as evidenced in the blog article below from Vince Leibowitz and the Capitol Annex – which if it didn’t involve the serious responsibility of serving in office would be viewed as nothing more than cheap entertainment.

TX HD 46: Thompson Touts Seeking To Become Only Openly Gay Member Of Texas House
by Vince Leibowitz the Capitol Annex

Brian Thompson (D-Austin) who is challenging Dawnna Dukes (D-Austin) in the March 4 Democratic Primary has sent out an interesting email to supporters touting both that he will be the only openly gay member of the Texas Legislature and incumbent Dukes’ ties to GOP mega-donor Bob Perry:

“My name is Brian Thompson and I’m running for Texas State Representative in House District 46. With your help on March 4 I will become the only openly gay member of the Texas Legislature.

I am writing because in order for me to win I need your help.

My opponent’s largest donor is a man named Bob Perry. He is the largest Republican donor in Texas funded the infamous “Swift Boat” ads that derailed the John Kerry campaign and he contributed $150000 to a right-wing anti-gay group called “Texans for Marriage.”

This group was one of the vehicles used to support (and pass) Proposition 2 in November of 2005 the unnecessary and hateful Constitutional Amendment that banned gay marriage in Texas. Even though my opponent is a Democrat she is funded by Republicans and she continues to support endorse and enable Republican Speaker Tom Craddick.

Since announcing my candidacy just before Christmas we have already raised more than $10000 from 90 community activists grassroot Democrats and members of the GLBT community online. Like me these donors want real representation and change for East Austin. You can view our incredible results on ActBlue.”

I’m not sure whether or not Dukes’ district includes a large part of Austin’s GLBT community or not but Thompson’s tactic is a sure-fire way to turn out both cash and votes for his campaign against Dukes who will have no shortage of funding for the race.

James B. Cardle is President & CEO of the Texas Citizen Action Network a dynamic community of Texas leaders who develop ideas brainstorm solutions & acquire the skills necessary to impact the public policy decision making process in Texas.  He can be reached by visiting or by e-mailing him at
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