Pre-K HB 130 to Be Heard in House Today

Patrick: It is the best investment we can make for the state. width=58The Texas House will consider HB 130 today authored by Reps. Diane Patrick (R-Arlington) Rob Eissler (R-The Woodlands) Rafael Anchia (D-Dallas) as well as Jim Pitts and Senfronia Thompson which calls for an enhanced full-day prekindergarten program provided by public school districts in conjunction with community providers." The bill is receiving broad-based bipartisan support with groups such as United Way of Texas Baptist General Convention of Texas and Raise Your Hand Texas all signing in support of Patricks bill. width=230HB 130 does not mandate new pre-k programs in Texas but will provide legal guidelines to allow school districts to offer full-day pre-k for eligible children. Currently Texas school districts are required to offer 1/2 day pre-k for eligible children. Eligible children are those educationally/economically disadvantaged English language learners homeless foster children & military families. High-quality prekindergarten is the best investment we can make for the future of this state" said Diane Patrick the bills author. Not only is prekindergarten an excellent tool for drop-out prevention but it is also a sound investment toward the academic success of our most at-risk children said Patrick Republican from the Dallas-Ft. Worth metroplex. Fiscally the bill appropriates no state money. The amount appropriated will be determined by the budget conference committee. Both the merits and the financial impact of the bill however will be scrutinized closely by lawmakers. In 2007 the Economic Policy Institute a D.C.-based nonprofit released a study demonstrating that if Texas adopted a universal pre-k program the state would get $8 back for every $1 invested. A similar study done in 2006 by the Texas Early Childhood Education Coalition and the George Bush School of Government Public Service at Texas A&M found that Texas communities get $3.50 back for every dollar they invest in pre-k. With Texas current financial situation the amount of pre-k funding is yet to be decided. Also many parents are concerned about their diminishing role with expanded pre-k programs. Representative Patrick believes every dollar allocated toward these programs will make substantial improvements in Texas education. It is the best investment we can make for the state Patrick said. To listen to debate on the Texas House Floor click here.
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