Proposition 11: Good For Texas Property Owners

By State Representative Dwayne Bohac dwayne-bohacOn November 3rd Texans will be able to take a stand against the improper use of eminent domain by voting FOR Proposition 11 on the constitutional ballot.  This proposition restricts the governments use of eminent domain if the purpose is for economic development or enhancement of tax revenue.  In 2005 private property owners across the country cringed when the U.S. Supreme Court found in favor of New London in the case of Kelo v. New London.  In that case private property was taken for the purpose of economic development for the city.  New London condemned a tract of land so that a private business could develop the property and provide additional tax revenue to the city above and beyond the current use of the property.  Our countrys highest court held that a benefit to the community at large represents an acceptable public use of land despite a private entity being the clear beneficiary of the taking of the property.  This egregious misinterpretation of the Fifth Amendment has caused states across the nation to modify their statutes on eminent domain to protect private property owners.  Texas now has the opportunity to join 43 other states in taking a stand for the rights of individual property owners.  Proposition 11 will protect Texans for generations to come.  I have supported the rights of property owners and have been one of the strongest advocates for the abolition of abusive eminent domain.  As a strong supporter of Proposition 11 I ask that citizens across the state take a stand for the rights of present and future property owners.  I am encouraging all homeowners and property owners across the state to vote FOR Proposition 11.
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