Protect Population Centers Against Radiological Nuclear Threats

From Congressman Michael McCaul mccaul4Securing the Cities Initiative Authorization Last Wednesday I supported and the House passed H.R. 2611 which authorizes the Securing the Cities Initiative.  This is the only program dedicated to protecting large population centers against radiological or nuclear threats.   Currently Securing the Cities is operated as a pilot program in New York City but H.R. 2611 authorizes the expansion of the program to at least two additional high-risk cities.  I will push to have Houston strongly considered for this program by DHS.  The Port of Houston and the largest petrochemical complex in the world are high value targets and even a temporary shutdown could have disastrous implications for Texas and the United States. Taos Pueblo Indian Water Rights Act White Mountain Apache Tribe Water Rights Qualification Act and the Aamodt Litigation Settlement Act Last Thursday the House passed three bills (H.R. 3254 H.R. 1065 and H.R. 3342) dealing with disputed water rights claims between the States of New Mexico and Arizona and a number of American Indian tribes in the Southwest.   The bills would ratify settlement agreements between the States and tribes and allow the federal government to fund and participate in the construction and maintenance of local water systems.  In total the three bills would authorize $380 million in new spending over ten years.  I voted against these bills because the funds authorized have not been properly evaluated and could be excessive.   I supported amendments to each bill offered by Rep. McClintock that would have required the Attorney General to certify that the settlements are a net benefit to taxpayers before they take effect.  Unfortunately these amendments were defeated.
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