Public Education Networks No Child Left Behind Recommendations

Published: 06-14-07

On June 6 Public Education Network (PEN) released its official position regarding the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB). As you know the act first passed by Congress in 2002 is scheduled for re-authorization this year.

The statement is the result of work PEN began three years ago and includes results of public hearings held in California Florida Illinois Massachusetts Michigan New York Ohio Pennsylvania Tennessee and Texas that were co-sponsored by PEN local education fund members.
PEN’s summary recommendations are to:
• Retain the act’s emphasis on highly qualified teachers but provide resources required to help teachers become more effective in data- and student-focused school environments. Congress should not implement policies that lead to barriers in keeping high quality teachers. Congress should make certain talented new teachers are encouraged to enter the profession.
• Schools need a student-focused comprehensive accountability system that rewards progress and encourages continuous improvement.
• Improve the use of data to make teaching and learning more meaningful.
• Expand the opportunity for shared accountability by including community partners.
• Strengthen parental involvement provisions.
• In addition PEN is calling for action to:
• Increase capacity at the state and local level to provide school and student supports in implementing NCLB especially for low-performing schools or schools in need of corrective action
• Increase federal support and leadership in research and identification of best practices. Increase allowances for local flexibility that recognizes community and student differences parental and community engagement and building a national system of incentives to attract the best teachers to the most difficult schools. 
• Institute an accountability system that is research-based and focused on incentives. 
• Fully fund any re-authorized act.

We encourage you to write a letter to Congress urging them to support the NCLB recommendations as defined above and sign the Give Kids Good Schools pledge.
PEN’s full position statement is available at
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