Quico Canseco is Amongst Best Funded Challenger Candidates in the Nation

Republican Campaign for South Texas Congressional District raised over $566000 and has over $315000 “Cash on Hand”

Published: 07-20-07

San Antonio TX – Congressional candidate Quico Canseco today announced that his latest campaign finance report to the Federal Election Commission shows his campaign for the Republican nomination for the 23rd District of Texas having raised $566205 with $315282.67 cash on hand.  The report covers the period between April 1st and June 30th.

Canseco said that officials with the National Republican Congressional Committee told him recently that the totals included in his July 15th  FEC finance report make his one of the “best funded” challenger campaigns in the nation.
Canseco for Congress Manager Kyle Whatley said the campaign’s cash-on-hand figures are impressive considering that the campaign spent over a quarter of a million dollars on voter contact during the three month period ending June 30.  In addition to Whatley who is working full-time as the campaign’s manager Canseco has already put together a team of political consultants who have helped elect hundreds of Republicans to elected office at the national and state levels.  Whatley said that the campaign has pursued an aggressive media strategy airing radio commercials throughout the district for the past sixty days and starting a television advertising blitz just last week.

Whatley said that the race for Republicans to reclaim the 23rd Congressional District of Texas has been estimated to cost between $3 and $4 million dollars.  He said the district’s size and the high cost of advertising in the San Antonio media market make communicating with voters an expensive proposition.

Whatley said that Canseco’s latest FEC filing demonstrates that the campaign will continue to have the team and the resources needed not only to become the Republican nominee but more importantly to defeat incumbent Democrat Ciro Rodriguez who was elected in a December 2006 special election following a United States Supreme Court decision that caused the South Texas congressional district to be redrawn as a “Latino opportunity district.”

Canseco said that in addition to his own personal resources he has put into the race he was extremely proud of the financial support he has been receiving from donors throughout the 23rd and beyond. “Republican donors across Texas understand that this district was redrawn to elect a Hispanic and they know that I am the strongest Republican to challenge Ciro Rodriguez in the 2008 General Election” Canseco said.

Canseco added “The reason I started my campaign months ago was because the unique dynamics of this district demand an early and aggressive campaign. I am going to continue to work hard to earn the support of South Texas voters and to ensure that my campaign has the resources necessary to sustain our pace and get my message of conservative leadership out.”

Canseco said that the 23rd Congressional District is one of the top targets for state and national Republicans. “With the right candidate and the right message Republicans can reclaim the 23rd District” Canseco said. “That is why I am continuing to work hard each and every day in order to communicate our winning message to South Texas voters.” Canseco concluded.
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