By Frances Rice
Published: 02-23-09

Those Americans who voted for President Barack Hussein Obama believed that by electing a black man as our president we as a nation would finally end the racial divisiveness that has torn our country asunder since the days of slavery.
Well that optimistic notion was dealt a killing blow when newly minted black Attorney General Eric Holder Obamas minion declared that on the issue of race America is a nation of cowards. No credit for courage is allowed for those who voted for Obama on blind faith.
Holders outrageous and insulting declaration is a harbinger of Obamas sinister scheme to use race as a weapon to bludgeon Americans into submitting to his socialist will - supporters and non-supporters alike.
This despicable race mongering by Democrats is not new. Decades ago the Democratic Party developed the strategy of exploiting black American grievances in order to demonize the Republican Party and win votes. Holders remark is a clear signal that Obama will continue to stoke the fires of racism and resentment perpetuating the Democratic Partys insidious race-baiting tactics. Tactics that are now run out of the White House - presidential style.
Americans are decent hard-working people and do not deserve to be defamed as cowards by Obama and his minions for partisan political gain. Whatever cowardice exists in this nation stems from the fear of being labeled as racist for daring to subject black Democrats to equal opportunity criticism and humor.
In the liberal world however black Republicans are fair game for racial denigration. Just ask RNC Chairman Michael Steele Dr. Condoleezza Rice and Justice Clarence Thomas.
We are fed up. We Americans will no longer cower in fear of being called racist because we dare to criticize or pork fun at Obama or any black Democrat.
The Democrats last race-baiting straw has hit Americas back