From U.S.Representative Randy Neugebauer
Washingtons Out-of-Control Spending Habits
The federal government just doesnt get it. While people around the nation are tightening their belts and cutting back on unnecessary spending the federal government is continuing to recklessly spend your hard-earned tax dollars.
When our country is on the verge of bankruptcy I dont understand why Congress would increase our legislative branch budget as was passed last week when the deficit is going to hit $1.6 trillion this year and will be $1.3 trillion next year.
Instead of passing bills to increase spending this year Congress should at a minimum freeze spending at last years levels and I submitted an amendment that would have done just that. While this is not a complete solution to our spending problem we have to start somewhere. If we simply continue to increase spending when it is clear we can not afford to do so we only add more deficits and more debt.
Running up the debt is reckless and irresponsible. Its time we start saving taxpayer dollars instead of spending like drunken sailors. As your Representative I will continue to make the concerns of the 19th District heard and push for fiscal responsibility by offering amendments to reduce not increase spending by the federal government on behalf of the taxpayers of West Texas and the Big Country.
To view my speech on the House floorclick
here .
Shining Light on Presidents Czars
Last week I introduced H.R. 3613 the Transparency and Executive Accountability Act. This bill would require that not only do Senate-confirmed nominees need to provide proper documentation and go through a thorough vetting but also require that White House staff many of whom are known as the czars who advise the President on policy issues submit more information about themselves. It is nothing short of a double standard to require Presidential appointees who are confirmed by the Senate but not senior White House advisors responsible for policy areas such as the Middle East energy and auto bailouts to file disclosures with the
Office of Government Ethics. H.R. 3613 would eliminate this disparity.
By increasing transparency and accountability within the Obama Administration the American people are in a better position to judge the qualifications of the Presidents policy advisors and hopefully the Administration will take greater care when selecting high-level policy advisors.
I believe the people of West Texas and the Big Country deserve maximum transparency from the President Administration and Congress. Its time we bring real change and openness to Washington instead of making mere campaign promises.
here to see my latest video on the Presidents czars.
October Crime Prevention Month
October is National Crime Prevention Month. Throughout this month we highlight the many crime prevention efforts taking place by individuals communities and law enforcement throughout the nation.
Over the last year we have seen great changes in our nations economy and uncertainty about the future of our health care system. While there are many differences of opinion on these types of policies crime prevention is one issue that can bring everyone in the community together to take note of the work of law enforcement and neighborhood watch groups as well as recognizing areas where more involvement is needed.
I would also like to take this opportunity to say thank you to the law enforcement professionals who give so much to make our communities safer.
Crime prevention is a community affair. I encourage you to join with your neighbors around the 19th District to take an active role in building safer communities not only during this month but throughout the year.