The Elusive Lessons of Ethics and Accountability
By George Scaggs
Texas Insider Report: AUSTIN Texas The official censure of Congressman Charles Rangel while considered severe punishment" by Congress only re-affirms what we already knew; there is one set of rules for everyday Americans and a very different set for those who are entrusted to serve them.
As a revolution rages outside the elites in Washington huddle in the hallowed halls oblivious to any need to change their rather questionable culture.
While the electorates message on November 2 expressed general dissatisfaction with the economy and also had plenty to do with rejecting
leftist policy it was about more than that. Americans are fed-up with the lack of accountability that is commonplace in Washington.
One may argue that inside the Beltway concepts of justice have always been swayed by political considerations but the trend is growing increasingly worse not better. Under the reign of Obama Pelosi and Reid this unfortunate practice has proliferated.
After years of obvious misdeeds by Mr. Rangel and the subsequent investigations of his actions Congress played out the entire matter with the same old political ploys theyve long subjected Americans to.
Note the timing of Pelosis generally unethical Congress finally giving Rangels ethics violations their full attention. Doing so towards the end of the election cycle was intended to create an image that the 111th was indeed an ethical and responsible Congress.
Waiting to announce the
House Ethics Committee verdict until after the elections was timed to minimize any potential damage to Democrats at the
When finally called to account poor Mr. Rangel first stormed out of the official proceedings and then lobbied for mercy by exalting his forty long years of public service in the U. S. House hardly the stuff of contrition. Show me a man who has been in Congress for forty years and Ill show you trouble.
While most of us believe that a higher standard of ethics and responsibility not a lesser one is required for serving in public office such notions seem to escape this particular class of being. The Charlie Rangels of the world so intoxicated by their own power see themselves as having long served the good of mankind and have thus earned a pass when it comes to being judged for their irresponsible behavior.
Rangels protestations are the product of self-anointed obsessions. Having adopted a sanctimonious view that weve seen before he appears to believe that he is

simply entitled to his high position. Over time he has managed to convince himself that among 700000 fellow countrymen it is he and he alone who is fit and capable of representing the whole.
Equally insulting is the all too typical lack of accountability by those who are charged with holding others accountable. In Rangels case the results were anything but innocuous. While Pelosis House was pussy-footing around we were subjected to a tax-cheat presiding over the House Ways and Means Committee; the guys and gals who write our tax laws.
When combined with the similarly challenged Tax-cheat Timmy" Geithner running the IRS government has been reduced to theatre of the absurd. The perfect tandem Rangel and Geithner serve as a long-running slap in the face of the millions of average Americans who manage to pay their taxes.
Geithners confirmation as with so many others highlights another blind-spot when it comes to ethics in government. The go along to get along" mentality dominant in the political performances we call confirmation hearings often leaves us to wonder why our government bothers with any pretense of accountability at all.
If glaring examples even consistent patterns of unethical behavior are to be ignored during such proceedings why bother? We are better off spared the insults of Washingtons routine investigative exercises in futility and all the political posturing that comes with them.
This stuff matters though we are suffering from a string of policy nightmares under the current regime in Washington the problems with government run deeper than policy. The overall lack of ethics and accountability in our nations capitol is among systemic problems that will have to be effectively addressed if we are to reverse course.
It is folly to think that we can dramatically improve government without accordingly improving the people running it.
As far as the Democratic Party is concerned returning the Wicked Witch of the West to their top slot in the U.S. House makes clear that it will be business as usual on their side of the aisle. They appear to have no intention of bowing to any expectations of the increasingly rebellious citizenry.
Mind you Republicans are not much better when it comes to holding their own liable. Now that they have re-gained some power in Washington time will quickly tell if they too intend to remain tone deaf to

the common sense demands of the electorate.
On the right side of the aisle Nevada Senator John Ensign provides a fine fairly recent example of political power run-amok. After having a long-running affair with a female staffer firing her husband who also happened to work for him and bestowing his mistress family with over $100000 his imprudent behavior drew hardly a yawn from the good old boy establishment.
Putting the pragmatic realities of party politics aside if the proletariat is to ever re-gain confidence in their government the ruling class practice of closing ranks to assuage the misbehavior of their own will have to come to an end. Effectively dealing with personal responsibility ethics and accountability should know no political party nor ideological belief.
Hard-working decent citizens simply expect their leaders to meet the same moral and ethical standards they do. Surely the absence of any consistent reasonable standards of behavior by either major party is a primary reason that our nations base of independent voters grows ever larger just as it has helped to fuel the Tea Party phenomenon.
Even after the powers that be were soundly repudiated in the elections recent developments are stark and pointed reminders that some powerful insiders have no intention of going quietly into the night.
If Washington is not up to the task everyday Americans must to do it for them. No flash in the pan more people than ever are watching paying careful attention and engaging in the electoral process.
Chances are the levers of power will have to be wrestled away from many political elites bit by tiny bit.
George Scaggs is a writer commentator voice actor & audio-video producer. You can find his work at Bargain Citizen Media and