Texas succeeded in holding the line against efforts to roll back civil justice reforms but the aggressive push by some personal injury lawyers this past legislative session should serve as a wake up call to those who support a legal system based on common sense and fairness. Consider that a measure that would have allowed no-proof-needed asbestos lawsuits in Texas gained disturbing support in the Texas Senate - including from some pro-business conservatives. While the measure ultimately died in a House Committee opponents were hanging on to that victory by the skin of their teeth with just a one-vote margin keeping the bill off the floor of the House. These were not lop-sided victories for reform supporters they were hard-won day-by-day battles. Many of our state leaders have done a great job of drawing a line in the sand when it comes to abusive lawsuits in Texas. And as your editorial notes it is a reason weve seen more jobs come to Texas. But make no mistake Texas successes here are under attack. Local voters should make crystal clear to their Senators and Representatives that the battles this session were too close for comfort.