Ken Mercer Texas State Board of Education

Your Oct. 16 editorial stated that Tim Tuggey is a lawyer-lobbyist; he has contributed to some Democrats; and he intends to file as a Republican for the Texas State Board of Education.
Republican voters have told me that a registered lawyer-lobbyist should never run for public office especially if the person has made sizeable contributions to both parties.
According to the Federal Elections Commission as recently as June 30 2009 Tuggey wrote two personal checks: $2400 to Democrat Congressman Chet Edwards and $1500 to the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee.
Perhaps Tuggey forgot that in Texas our two Senators Kay Bailey Hutchison and John Cornyn are both Republicans.
Why did Tuggey give his personal contributions to Democrats two months before he decided to run a race as a Republican?
Tuggey a lawyer-lobbyist stated that he has never practiced before the SBOE. Is this a true statement? The newspaper needs to ask Tuggey how many textbook publishers his firm has represented.
I wonder if the educators supporting Tuggeys are the same lobbyists and vendors who so rudely booed concerned parents and students at the SBOE public hearings because they dared to testify before my Committee on the need for back-to-basics math true phonics grammar usage and spelling?
Finally on the issue of the new Social Studies standards that are presently being drafted for consideration by the State Board of Education my disagreement is with the left-wing writing team members who wanted to delete the biographies of George Washington and Abraham Lincoln from kindergarten and first grade Social Studies standards.
These same writing team members with whom I took exception actually deleted Veterans Day and Independence Day from the list of important holidays that elementary children should learn.
At every grade level and at every reference the liberal writers changed the words American citizen to Global citizen or citizen of the world.
Conservative Republicans want to make sure that our public school children are taught about our American heritage and that textbooks present this heritage without bias prejudice and revision.
I do appreciate the San Antonio newspaper making it clear that I am the conservative in this race.
I made my political name as a Conservative David who has had the backbone and the guts to stand up against the liberal Goliaths of the far left. I have never never seen a moderate stand up to the far left.