Regardless of Lefts View of History United States is an Exceptional Nation

By Heather Liggett HeatherI am a stay-at-home mom and concerned parent of two children in the public school system.  Growing up in Saudi Arabia I was taught about American Exceptionalism by European teachers in an American school system.  How ironic that Europeans in the Middle East are willing to teach the concept but not social studies curriculum writers here in Texas.  Alexis de Tocquevilles book Democracy in America" is an insightful piece of American life and to this day is one of the most quoted books in our history.  Numerous leaders and politicians have referred to the book in their careers and every historian of America has read this classic book.  Charles Dickens Lord Bryce and Winston Churchill have all commented on a desire to understand the American spirit that is the envy of free nations and makes us unique. The New York Times said No better study of a nations institutions and culture ... has ever been written by a foreign observer; none perhaps as good.  This statement leads us to ask Why is the teaching of American Exceptionalism not in our Texas schools for the benefit of our children?"  Our own President is unfamiliar with the term and study of American Exceptionalism and some criticize the term; so we should use this teaching moment to clarify the ideals of America that set us apart from every other nation. The term American Exceptionalism" was given to us out of honor for our accomplishments. This country was founded on the hope and optimism of a few men.  Those men had a passion for a new country founded on the principles of property ownership responsibility and religious freedom and it was their small group effort that spawned the United States of America being the leader of the free world. Born out of rebellion to a controlling entity Americans have the freedom to choose their own destinies based on our God-given unalienable rights. The United States of America was founded on the principle of each individual having the right of his own mind so long as it did not infringe upon the rights of another.  America is derived on the virtue of the people granting limited authority BillofRightsto the government.  Our Bill of Rights sets America apart from every other country freedom of religion freedom of speech the right to bear arms the rights of the accused and the right of the American People to rise up against our government when our unalienable rights are threatened. No other people have these rights and no other country has achieved what America has in our mere 232 years.  While other countries are trying to evolve to these principles and values America was created on these principles and values.  This is one of the reasons the world calls us exceptional. After WWII only two countries emerged intact the United States and China.  Chinas military was decimated while the United States had an amazing fleet of ships and subs an Air Force unsurpassed by any other country and lone control of the worlds only atomic weaponry. While Italy Germany and Japan lay in ruins we became a super power. And while countries would have taken over these lands with their superior military prowess America refrained.  We destroyed our bombers scrapped our gleaming ships and in an unprecedented move we sent BILLIONS of dollars to those countries we defeated so that they could rebuild their countries.  Exceptional yes it is exceptional to fund the rebuilding of those who caused undue harm on many free countries.  Yet leftists wish to call America an Imperialistic" nation.  It is impossible to put America in the same category as for example Hiro Hito of Japan for many reasons.  We do NOT rule over an empire and we do not govern another country.  We have a handful of VOLUNTARY territories that benefit from their status as a territory.  We provide them with protection and monetary gains and we do not require these territories to send any of their resources to the U.S. Unless we have re-written the term imperialism" then history has proven that imperialism" has not cannot and will not define the United States of America. Freedom is the root to every success America has achieved from the first photos of outer space to the first and last moon landing to the unparalleled secondary education system that is the envy of the world. The lifeblood of that root is the exceptionalism of the American Spirit.   The term American Exceptionalism is paved in sacrifice and must be worn in honor.  It is not meant to devalue other nations but rather to point out the tremendous spirit of the American founders the American heros the American entrepreneurs and most of all the American people who harness the pursuit of the American Dream. SBOEgroupTeaching this will allow our youth to embrace true progress. Yet these principles are being threatened.  During 2009 the Texas public school social studies curriculum has undergone review and revision.  Review panels comprised of left-leaning educators have created new curriculum proposals that capture their negative opinions of America.  Hopefully the State Board Education will modify these proposals to create a positive view of America. What can we do? We need to gather a list of dynamic passionate and informed speakers to register to speak in front of the Board in the upcoming meeting on January 13.  It will be a day of public testimony. Having as many retired conservative educators willing to speak is key to our success but we want ALL speakers included … any ideas for names please reach out to them and email their name to me if they are willing. For the January 13th - 15th meeting we need 100-150 speakers. Interested parties need to email me at so we can make sure to include you in the registration process. We will be holding a rally at the TEA headquarters building 1701 N. Congress Avenue from 12 noon 2 p.m. on January 13th.  We need a large showing to let the board know how outraged Texans are about the proposed standards. All available concerned members need to attend the rally or sit in on the public mtgs. Whether you can go to Austin on January 13th or not please try to do one or more of the following:
  1. Read the latest revised standards (Oct. 17 version) Here:
  2. Provide formal written testimony to the SBOE in time for the Jan.13 meeting. Fill out the official registration form found at:  
  3. FAX the form to the TEA at 1-512-936-4319.  Be sure to include a note stating that you cant attend but want to submit written testimony.  Include a request that they make the required 35 copies.  Also include your telephone number in case need to contact you.
  4. Call 512-463-9007 (phone number for the Committee of the Full Board) to ensure that the fax was received and make sure your testimony is registered.
  5. For shorter informal testimony send a one page email to the SBOE at  Include your zip code on the email.   These emails will be compiled and given to all board members prior to the final vote.
  6. Provide video testimony to be posted on YouTube
  7. Please email as your video testimony (max 2 minutes long) preferably by Jan. 8 to   The video will be made available to the SBOE members.
  8. Write letters/emails to your state representatives.  Write letters to the editor of your local newspapers.  Post on blogs Facebook etc.
If you can go to Austin on January 13th:
  1. Attend the America is Exceptional" Rally Date/Time:  Wed. Jan. 13 Noon (to last 2-3 hours) Location:  Austin William B. Travis Building  (Map:
  2. There may be both an indoor (lobby) and outdoor component to this rally.  The indoor component will include speakers.  (Details are still TBD).  No banners allowed.  No signs indoors.  If we rally outdoors we may want to use one or two of the same sign content to distinguish us from other groups.  Recommended sign content is also TBD.
  3. Give a 3-minute public testimony before the SBOE or just attend the meeting.
  4. Date/Time: Wed. Jan. 13 Noon to 6:00 pm (planned - start time may be as late as 2:00pm) Location:  Austin William B. Travis Building Room 1-104 (Map: To Register to Speak:  Call the TEA at 512-463-9007 starting at 8 a.m. on Friday January 8th. 
Heather Liggett can be contacted be emailing
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