AUSTIN TX - Texas State Representative Roberto R. Alonzo today learned that Speaker of the Texas House Joe Straus has appointed him to the Transportation Standing Committee of the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL).
In making the appointment of Rep. Alonzo Speaker Strauss letter mentions in part I know you will provide great leadership and thoughtful representation of our State through your service on this NCSL committee.
As co-chairman of the 27-member Dallas Area Legislative Delegation (DALD) I am honored indeed that Speaker Straus has entrusted me with his strongest confidence and appointment to such an important committee as the NCSL Transportation Standing Committee. Not only is transportation infrastructure and funding such an important issue to the overall states economy it is also one of the highest priorities for the DALD which I chair as well as for the entire North Texas region.
With this appointment I plan to take advantage of every opportunity and network with lawmakers and policy leaders not only from Texas but other states as well and learn about some of the best ways and strategies to ensure that our states transportation system is second to none said Rep. Alonzo.
During the recently-completed 81st Regular Session when it came to transportation issues specifically such as rail public transit the Dallas Area Rapid Transportation (DART) and other related transportation issues Rep. Alonzo once again was there to ensure that the DFW region and North Texas got their fair share of the Texas pie.
For example SB 293 and its house companion (HB 2738 by Alonzo) will allow DART to expand its bond-issuing capacity by pledging a portion of the revenues of its transportation system such as all or a portion of its fare box revenues to the payment of bonds thus enhancing the transportation infrastructure system in the DFW/North Texas region. The legislation took effect immediately when it was signed by the governor on May 19 2009 thus allowing DART to start making a positive difference in the regions transportation needs.
Furthermore Rep. Alonzo and DALD jointly were there to ensure the passage of legislation (HB 2344) that will allow a land bank to permit a qualified participating developer to exchange a property purchased from the land bank with any other property owned by the developer under certain conditions. Relative to the Trinity River Corridor Project
specifically Rep. Alonzo and the DALD leadership were successful in passing a measure (HB 3438) that will allow the transfer of certain real property from the Texas Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ) to the City of Dallas to be used as part of the Trinity Corridor Project.
The real property is currently used for the Dawson State Jail facility and is owned by TDCJ. The bill calls for the City of Dallas to locate and provide compatible and suitable real property within reasonable proximity of the current facility in exchange for the land now occupied by the Dawson State Jail.
The NCSL Transportation Standing Committee consists of state legislators and legislative staff from the nations legislatures. It convenes three times a year in conjunction with NCSLs other standing committees.
The committees objectives include: (1) To review and develop NCSL policy positions on state-federal transportation issues to be used in lobbying Congress and the federal Administration; (2) To lobby Members of Congress and other federal officials in conjunction with NCSL staff on state-federal policy positions; (3) To provide a forum for legislators and staff to share ideas and expertise on an array of transportation issues; (4) To seek and facilitate topically appropriate educational opportunities for members and colleagues; and (5) To provide input to NCSL on policy research projects and to interact with project funders.
Once again I look forward to working with other Texas lawmakers and policymakers from other states across the nation to exchange ideas and perspectives on how we can best address the transportation needs federally on a national scale but most importantly I want to learn how our own state can best benefit from those deliberations and discussions.
There is no doubt that Texas has room for improvement when it comes to its transportation needs. I plan to use this important appointment as a vehicle to make a positive difference for all Texans concluded Rep. Alonzo.