Rep. Charlie Howard Commits to a Conservative Legislative Agenda

width=72Texas Insider Report: AUSTIN Texas  State Representative Charlie Howard announced today that he has signed the Pledge with Texans the legislative agenda of the Texas Conservative Coalition (TCC) the conservative caucus of the Texas Legislature. Rep. Howard a TCC member stated Conservative leadership over the past decade has made Texas the most successful state in the nation validating the difficult but principled decisions the Legislature has made.  We have garnered national recognition and praise for our relatively strong economy from numerous sources including ABC News CNN The Economist The Atlantic and The Weekly Standard. Moving forward Rep. Howard added we must continue to adhere to the principles of limited government individual liberty free enterprise and traditional values. Rep. Howard continued Our state faces many challenges and the TCC Pledge with Texans is our conservative plan of action.  Next session conservatives must fight to defend and advance our principles as we directly address a revenue shortfall without raising taxes a federal government that too readily and too frequently intrudes on our liberty and the challenge of protecting Texans from increasing violence along the Texas border. The TCC Pledge with Texans serves as a roadmap for the long-term success of the State of Texas by offering conservative solutions to the five most pressing issues that the next Legislature must address: • Balance the Budget without Raising Taxes • Limit Federal Intrusion • Improve Election Integrity • Cut Taxes • Secure the Texas Border To date forty-nine conservative state legislators including Rep. Howard have signed the TCC Pledge with Texans.  Rep. Howard concluded I am glad to stand with my fellow conservatives to make sure that Texas values and principles are upheld as the Legislature tackles the states major issues next session.
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