Rep. Crownovers Hard Work Making Critical Difference for Newborn Texans

State Department of Health Begins Screening Newborns for Cystic Fibrosis myra-crownover33Austin - The Texas Department of State HealthServices began testing for cystic fibrosis as part of a state program to screen all newborn babies for certain inheritable and congenital disorders.  Rep. Myra Crownover fought for and the Texas Legislature approved funding earlier this year to add cystic fibrosis to the list of 27 other disorders screened for in Texas Newborn Screening Program.   All babies born in Texas are required by law to have two rounds of screening tests for the disorders. Cystic fibrosis is an inherited disease that causes thick sticky mucus to build up in the lungs and digestive system. The mucus can trap germs that can cause infections. Early detection and treatment can improve growth and brain development reduce hospitalizations and help people with cystic fibrosis live longer. After six years of hard work I am so proud to have been a part of the team effort to expand newborn screening in Texas and I especially want to thank the families living with CF who took the time to educate the legislature about the importance of early detection said Crownover.  Newborn screening makes a critical difference in the quality and length of life for many newborn Texans and their families every year and the addition of Cystic Fibrosis to the list represents the culmination of years of hard work by many dedicated individuals Crownover said. Early detection of these disorders allows early treatment that can prevent serious complications such as growth problems developmental delays deafness Houseblindness intellectual disabilities seizures and early death. Crownover has represented District 64 in the Texas House of Representatives since 2000.  House District 64 includes portions of Denton County Denton Lake Dallas Corinth Shady Shores Hickory Creek Lakewood Village Little Elm Oak Point and The Colony north of 121.
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