Rep. Donna Howard Honored with Champion for Nursing Education Award

donna-howard(AUSTIN) The Texas Association of Deans and Directors of Professional Nursing Programs (TADDPNP) was pleased to honor Rep. Donna Howard today for her leadership and efforts on behalf of nursing education and funding during the 81st Legislative Session.  Howard is an inaugural recipient of the Champion for Nursing Education Award which is given to non-nursing faculty and staff who have gone beyond the call of duty to promote and support nursing in Texas. Rep. Howard has demonstrated exceptional leadership in efforts to address the challenges that face the nursing profession as well as our states nursing shortage.  Her strong commitment resulted in the dedication of critical resources that will aid in expanding the nursing workforce and improving the health of Texas citizens" said TADDPNP President Elizabeth Poster.  Howard one of twelve senators and representatives honored with TADDPNPs 2009 Champion for Nursing Education Award was recognized during a recent meeting of the 96 member organization held in Austin.        Donna Howard is a native of Austin who graduated from Reagan High School then went on to earn a bachelors degree in nursing and a masters in health education both from the University of Texas.  She worked as a critical care nurse at Brackenridge and Seton hospitals was the first hospital-based Patient Education Coordinator in Austin history and helped start the Seton Good Health School.  She has also served as president of the Texas Nurses Association (District 5) and as a Health Education instructor at UT.
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