Rep. Gattis Measure Providing Grants to Rural Areas to Governor

width=65Representative Gattis loan program to assist in bringing jobs and industry to rural communities was included in the Department of Agriculture sunset bill which will now be sent to the Governor for his signature. The comprehensive bill passed the House last week and received final approval from the Senate last night. Due to the time crunch Representative Gattis worked to have his Rural Economic Development and Investment (REDI) Act loan program included as an amendment to the Department of Agriculture sunset bill CSSB 1016 to ensure its passage before the end of session. Representative Gattis language provides loans for economic development projects by city and county governments in cities with a population of 50000 and below and counties with a population of 75000 and below. This new program will provide additional support and resources to existing economic development activities. The Department of Agriculture supports this loan program as a way to support agricultural and other opportunities in rural and small towns throughout Texas. Representative Gattis said I look forward to the Governor signing this bill so our rural communities can begin applying for these economic development loans and grants later this year. By providing the capital up front through this program rural areas of Texas can move forward on plans to recruit new industry and bring more employment opportunities to their community. Giving regions additional economic development resources is particularly important during this economic slowdown. This loan program will pave the way for new manufacturing facilities distribution warehouse centers freight storage facilities agriculture opportunities and other industry. These economic development projects are important to the future of our rural communities. Representative Gattis is serving his fourth term in the Texas House of Representatives and represents House District 20 which includes much of Williamson County and all of Milam County.
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