Rep. Gene Green Announces Department of Energy Award for $200 Million to CenterPoint

Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar to Visit Houston Wednesday gene-green2Washington D.C. Representative Gene Green announced that a $200 million federal stimulus grant from the U.S. Department of Energy will be awarded to CenterPoint Energy to accelerate the deployment of its Advanced Metering System and begin the first phase of its Intelligent Grid to improve operational efficiency and reliability.   This funding was part of President Barack Obamas announcement that the nation would undergo the largest single energy grid modernization investment in U.S. history.  These grants will fund a broad range of technologies that will spur the nations transition to a smarter stronger more efficient and reliable electric system.  The $3.4 billion in grant awards are part of the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act and will be matched by industry funding for a total public-private investment worth over $8 billion.  Applicants state that the projects will create tens of thousands of jobs and consumers in 49 states will benefit from these investments with a stronger more reliable grid. I took the opportunity to stand with CenterPoint and the Port of Houston to support CenterPoint Energys efforts to move our electric infrastructure into the 21st century in early August" said Green.  I am glad the Administration recognized CenterPoint and the work they do to bring much needed funding to Houston to create jobs and a more efficient and modernized grid."  CenterPoint Energy in Houston has been a pioneer in developing Smart Grid technologies and has unveiled one of the most comprehensive Smart Grid programs in the nation that will provide benefits for the energy needs of Texas and the U.S. The area where CenterPoint Energy will begin building the intelligent grid includes much of Houstons critical infrastructure such as the Port of Houston the Texas Medical Center U.S. Veterans Affairs hospitals the Harris County Transit Control Center Houstons 911 call center the citys key central business districts four major universities and other critical facilities.  This intelligent grid will improve reliability for employees who work at N.A.S.A. and employees who operate major portions of the nations critical energy and petrochemical manufacturing infrastructure including numerous chemical plants petroleum refineries and the Colonial Pipeline which is the largest pipeline in the U.S. In July I sent a letter to Secretary of Energy Steven Chu urging funding for CenterPoint and am glad he recognized the importance of their initiatives to Houston and the nation.  I will continue to work with the Administration CenterPoint and others to bring much needed funding and innovation to the Houston area" said Green.
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