Washington D.C. Representative Gene Green today released the following statement on President Barack Obamas address to the joint session of Congress regarding health care reform:
Tonight President Obama stressed the urgent need to act now and reform our health care system. The goals of this reform are to provide quality and affordable health coverage to those who do not have it and to bring stability and security to Americans who have insurance through their employers and to safeguard Medicare. The President made that clear tonight.
This legislation will promote preventive care by: eliminating co-payments or deductibles for this care; will cap annual out of pocket expenses; help end rate increases based on pre-existing conditions gender or occupation; allow individuals to join a national pool if they must purchase their own plans; and will promote healthy beginnings by providing affordable oral and vision care for all children.
President Obama remains committed to working with all members Democrats and Republicans to put together a bill that takes all of their concerns into consideration. The President laid out the next steps needed to move this proposal along and how we will pull together the bills that have been written. The final product will lower costs ensure that Americans cannot be denied coverage because they get sick and provide access to affordable health care for all.
I remain committed to the legislation passed out of the Committee on Energy and Commerce which includes a public option plan and I am glad that the President remains a supporter of the option.
Our health care problems will not be solved overnight but we must take the necessary steps to help reduce costs and provide quality health care for our country before it is too late. If health reform is defeated this year our current system will not be able to sustain itself. The quality of life for our families and future generations depends on it and tonight the President showed Congress and the public that he is ready to put together a health proposal for all Americans."