Published: 01-23-08

Rep. Gohmert stated “Isn’t it thrilling to be here in the nation’s Capital? Isn’t it exciting to be here with so many friends with hearts of one accord? There’s a lot of beauty and glory around us here isn’t there? Shouldn’t every child born and unborn have the chance to experience it?
“As King David said in essence: ‘You Lord did form us in our mother’s womb; You did weave us in our mother’s womb. You formed our inner parts. We should give thanks to You for we are fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are Your works oh Lord; Our souls know it so very well (Psalm 139:13-14).’
“We’re here not too far from where one great American Martin Luther King Jr. said he had a dream. He dreamed that ‘little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls as sisters and brothers.’ But they will have to be born to do that.
“Thank you for keeping the Dream alive that one day all God’s children red yellow brown black and white born and unborn will have at least the chance to one day take in this air and say the words on the
capstone there on top of the Washington Monument that says ‘Praise be to God.’ God bless all of you for coming.”

Rep. Louie Gohmert represents the First District of Texas in the U.S. House of Representatives. Among many other bills some of the most recent pro-life legislation he has cosponsored includes H.R. 618 the Right to Life Act that seeks to protects the right to life from the moment of fertilization as well as H.R. 4133 the Title X Abortion Provider Prohibition Act which restricts federal family planning assistance from funding organizations that provide abortions Rep. Gohmert can be reached at
Photo: Rep. Louie Gohmert speaks to tens of thousands of pro-life supporters gathered at the March for Life Rally held on the National Mall Tuesday afternoon.