Rep. Gohmert Introduces Military Freedom Act

Published: 02-15-08

In Support of Our Nation’s Military and its Recruiters

width=65WASHINGTON D.C. – US Rep. Louie Gohmert (TX-01) introduced today the Military Freedom Act that would deny Federal funds for any State city county or other political subdivision of a State that prohibits or unduly restricts the establishment or operation of a military recruiting office.

The Congressman sponsored the legislation in response to the City of Berkeley disgracefully taking action to obstruct military recruiters even calling them ‘unwelcome intruders.’ Rep. Gohmert said he believes Congress needs to act now to protect against future and further denigration of our military and those who serve.

Gohmert stated “We were endowed by our Creator with liberty but like any inheritance it can only be kept if people are willing to fight for it. That is precisely why so many of our uniformed military members have laid down their lives. Local governments should not make reckless ordinances belittling and restricting our military and its recruiters.

If a political subdivision denies freedom to the protectors of our most precious freedoms the entity should also be denied the money it has used to abuse our heroes. We should not financially reward those who denigrate our service members. Anyone has the right to disagree with the war. However attempts to block the work of our military recruiters is an insulting and arrogant slap at our military and an ungrateful local government guilty of such actions should face the consequences.

My colleagues and I will work to ensure that our service members are able to freely do their job and attempts to hinder the carrying out of such duties will not be tolerated.”

The Military Freedom Act covers all Federal funds whether made available by appropriation grant award contract or any other means to a State or a political subdivision of a State. Rep. Gohmert is also an original cosponsor of Rep. John Campbell’s (R-CA) Semper Fi Act which would rescind Berkeley’s Federal funding and reallocates it to Marine recruiting.

In addition Gohmert has also signed on to Rep. John Kline’s (R-MN) Resolution to reaffirm the commitment of the House of Representatives to the patriotic and professional men and women serving in the United States Marine Corps in defense of the United States.

Congressman Gohmert served four years in the US Army and currently represents the First District of Texas in the US House of Representatives. He can be reached at

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