Rep. Gohmerts Alternative Delivers Real Path to Recovery

PUblished: 02-12-09 width=65WASHINGTON D.C. Treasury Secretary Tim Geithners vague and disappointing bank rescue plan has left everyone from Wall Street to Main Street increasingly skeptical of the governments insatiable spending and misguided intervention in the private sector. This weeks flop has further bolstered the case for Rep. Louie Gohmerts (R-TX) TARP alternative a two month federal tax holiday that provides direct relief for Americans. Gohmert issued the following statement: We must take very seriously the economic challenges facing our nation and in the process of seeking solutions one of our top priorities should be accountability to the American people. However some arrogant leaders in Washington have forsaken this essential principle believing the federal government knows all and controls all recklessly forging ahead with failed policies that impose tremendous and increasing risk to Americans. Sec. Geithner openly admitted that his predecessors policy was always behind the curve" and added to public anxiety and to investor uncertainty." Yet in the same breath he unveiled his own so-called plan thats no plan at all but rather a continuation of Paulsons doomed design and an ambiguous outline that leaves Americans and investors without answers. But even without crucial details our taxpayers citizens and Wall Street know enough to be able to discern that the governments spending rampage and continued meddling is wrong and they will not go along with Geithners game of follow the leader. Billions of taxpayer dollars for bailouts has snowballed into trillions and those overseeing the situation have said still more money will be needed. Furthermore there is no proof that Geithners bad bank will increase lending but we do know it will expose taxpayers to greater risk. Our leaders mustnt gamble with the livelihoods of citizens and the future of Americans who have yet to be born. Economic confidence and stability can only be achieved once our leaders show they are looking out for the little guy not taking them for all theyre worth. There are more effective solutions that guarantee Americans immediate relief through free market solutions. My proposal for a two month federal tax holiday serves as an alternative to the bailout and has gained overwhelming support from across the country. It does not require new government spending in this time when every penny counts and it puts money earned by taxpayers immediately and directly back in their hands. Individuals will be able to catch up financially and stimulate ailing industries by paying of mortgages and credit card debt buying more efficient vehicles investing in stock deals remodeling homes having enough cash to effectively refinance buying long delayed but needed purchases and spending it where we need it most. What is more it will help them return to having some semblance of confidence in the economy again which is one of THE most critical needs in this nation. It is imperative that Americans contact their representatives senators and the White House to let them know they want to be the ones to decide on the recipients of their own hard-earned money through this tax holiday before Geithner squanders and demands even more." Gohmert has spoken with President Obama and White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel regarding his tax holiday alternative but the Congressman urges Americans to contact the Administration to put further pressure on their leaders to support the plan. According to Moodys Economy a payroll tax holiday is the most effective tax policy in increasing the national GDP in one year and recent Rasmussen polls reveal a growing majority of Americans want more tax cuts and less government spending.  For more information on how Gohmerts tax holiday will directly and immediately provide relief for Americans click here.
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