Rep. Green Announces Early Education Funds from Stimulus Act

gene-green2Washington D.C. Representative Gene Green announced that Harris County will receive will receive a discretionary grant as part of the Head Start Expansion funds available from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. $881002 will be sent to the Harris County Department of Education. Giving children the opportunity to begin receiving an education at the earliest age possible ensures that they are equipped with the best foundation possible said Green. Early childhood education programs have helped millions of underprivileged children achieve academic success. The Head Start Program of Harris County Department of Education which is receiving the over $880000 as part of the ARRA funding set aside to support an increase in the enrollment of additional children as well as create new teaching and other positions in Head Start programs.  This is in addition to the $632544 grant received by the Harris County Department of Education in July of this year. It is wonderful to see that teachers and schools will be receiving the resources and support they need to make a difference in the lives of our children" said Green.  These grants from the Department of Health and Human Services and the Recovery Act will go a long way towards keeping teachers and administrators in our schools.  These investments under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act will create jobs and spur economic growth." In response to the weakening economy Congress included $2.1 billion for Head Start and Early Head Start in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 to allow an additional 124000 children to participate in the program.  Studies show that every dollar invested in early education generates anywhere from $1.25 to $17 in returns. Earlier this year members of the Houston delegation asked the Secretary of Health and Human Services to address education funding disparities for cities in Texas" said Green.  I am glad to see that ARRA funds are being sent to areas like Houston that have been traditionally underserved."
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