Budget Full Funding Grant Agreements at $75 Million for Each Project

Houston TX - Representative Gene Green today announced that President Obama has recommended that Houston Metro receive full funding grant agreements for the North and Southeast light rail corridors. Specifically the proposed budget includes a recommended $75 million for each line.
As Congress works to write the transportation appropriations bill I will work to see that the Presidents recommendations for Houston are included in the final bill" said Rep. Gene Green. I am glad that the President recognizes the transit needs of our growing community and the need for increased public transportation in Houston."
An estimated $18.5 billion is included in the budget to help states reduce traffic fatalities and injuries improve the condition and quality of our roadways and bridges prevent rail accidents and safeguard the transport of hazardous materials.
President Obama has emphasized the need for the upgrading of our infrastructure across the nation and I look forward to working with my colleagues and the President to increase the quality of life for Houstonians."