Round Rock State Representative Diana Maldonado (HD-52) announced Monday the House District 52 Texas Armed Services Scholarship Program. This program is an opportunity for students entering a Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC) program at a Texas college to compete for a $10000 scholarship.
ROTC programs provide our students will valuable tools and training that benefit them not only in the classroom but or the rest of their lives Rep. Maldonado said.
As a member of the House Committee on Defense and Veterans Affairs I was proud to help pass this legislation which will provide financial assistance to Texas students who are willing to give back to their state and country by participating in ROTC.
The Texas Armed Services Scholarship Program was created during the 81st Legislative Session in order to provide scholarships to young men and women who participate in an ROTC program to prepare for service in the Texas Army Air Force National Guard or a branch of the U.S. armed services.
The conditional Texas Armed Services Scholarship gives students entering a college ROTC program in the Fall of 2010 the opportunity to receive a scholarship in the amount of $10000 for the 2010-2011 academic year. Any additional funding in following years is dependent upon funding available in the state budget.
In order to be eligible to receive this scholarship students must be nominated by their State Representative State Senator Texas Lieutenant Governor or Texas Governor. This is a competitive nomination process as each State Representative and State Senator is able to nominate one student from their district and the Lieutenant Governor and Governor are able to nominate two students each from throughout the entire state.
For more information or for an application please contact Representative Maldonados District office at (512)310.7994 email your request to
District52@house.state.tx.us or visit the programs website:
www.texasarmedservicescholarships.com. Application packets must be received by March 3rd and will be reviewed by an independent panel. The selected application will then be submitted to the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board for the opportunity to win the $10000 Texas Armed Services Scholarship.