Rep. Maldonado Backs Legislation Calling For Balanced Federal Budget

Published: 03-03-09 width=65Austin State Representative Diana Maldonado (HD-52) of Round Rock Monday signed on as a joint author of two House Resolutions calling for Congress to balance our federal budget. A balanced budget is required of our families our small businesses and all levels of our government Maldonado said. Unfortunately our nations spending has spiraled out of control in recent years and we need to pull in the reins and return fiscal responsibility to our federal government. House Joint Resolution 71 would express Texas support towards ratifying a proposed amendment to the U.S. Constitution requiring a balanced budget. House Concurrent Resolution 73 would ask Congress to submit to the states for ratification an amendment to the United States Constitution to provide for a federal balanced budget. We must hold our federal government accountable for how it spends our hard earned taxpayer dollars Maldonado said. During a time in which our working families are trying to cut corners to provide food health care and an education to their children we need to see the same dedication to fiscal accountability by our federal government. State Representative Richard Raymond (HD-42) of Laredo introduced both resolutions. Maldonado sits on the State Affairs Committee and the Defense and Veterans Affairs Committee. She is serving her first term in the Texas House of Representatives and represents House District 52 which encompasses a portion of Williamson County including Round Rock Taylor Hutto Thrall Coupland and part of Georgetown and Austin
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