Rep. Maldonado Cuts Ribbon on New District Office

Round Rock Office Another Resource For Constituents diane-maldonadoAustin State Representative Diana Maldonado (HD-52) joined by the Round Rock Chamber of Commerce and the Greater Austin Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Thursday cut the ribbon to open her District Office in Round Rock. This District Office is another resource for me to provide residents of House District 52 with open access to their representative and state government Rep. Maldonado said. Meeting and listening to constituents is my top concern and I believe this office will be a new tool for me to build new partnerships to help House District 52 and all of Williamson County continue to move forward. Maldonados District Office is located at 1901 E. Palm Valley Blvd. in Round Rock. This location is at the intersection of Highway 79 & A.W. Grimes. With the legislative session complete I look forward to traveling throughout the district to visit each community Rep. Maldonado said. This office will be a central headquarters for my continued work and outreach to ensure our children have the best schools patients are receiving necessary health care and our cities and communities have the infrastructure needed to expand and provide services to their residents. To contact Rep. Maldonado feel free to call her office at (512)463.0670 email her at or visit her District or Capitol office. Maldonado sits on the House Committee on State Affairs and the Committee on Defense and Veterans Affairs. She is serving her first term in the Texas House of Representatives and represents House District 52 which encompasses a portion of Williamson County including Round Rock Taylor Hutto Thrall Coupland and part of Georgetown and Austin.
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