Rep. Maldonado Secures Funding For FM 1460 Expansion

Commission Approves Vital Round Rock Corridor width=65Austin State Representative Diana Maldonado (HD-52) of Round Rock Wednesday applauded the Texas Transportation Commission (TTC) for approving her request to fund the FM 1460 expansion project in Williamson County. This is a huge step towards increasing the safety and mobility for a major thoroughfare in Round Rock that is integral to our schools our health care facilities and our businesses Maldonado said. I appreciate the allocation of funds by the TTC and the work done by TxDOT staff which will move this important project forward and provide desperately needed jobs and traffic relief. The Commissions allocation of $10 million will expand FM 1460 between Old Settlers Boulevard (FM 3405) and University Boulevard in Round Rock. FM 1460 currently only has 2 lanes with no shoulder. This project will expand the road to have 4 lanes with a yellow center turn lane and add shoulders. TxDOT and the various Metropolitan Planning Authorities made recommendations to the TTC regarding what state transportation projects should be funded with the recently passed federal stimulus package. Maldonado testified last week before the Texas Transportation Commission and also wrote letters to each member of the TTC and the Capitol Area Metropolitan Project Organization (CAMPO) board in support of FM 1460. Maldonado also serves on CAMPO which is the transportation policy planning body for central Texas. She has worked extensively with local government TxDOT staff and CAMPO to see that this project is completed. This project has been a long-time in the works for Round Rock and is a result of the dedication and commitment of several people and organizations Maldonado said. I want to personally recognize the efforts of Round Rock Chamber of Commerce President Tom Manskey and Former Chair of the Round Rock Chambers Board of Directors Stephen Laukhuf. Their tireless efforts on behalf of Round Rock cannot be overlooked. This added mobility will service the following: • Seton Hospitals regional trauma center and medical offices • Texas State University Round Rock • Texas A&M Health Science Center • Austin Community College • Stony Point High School and • Round Rock Premium Outlet Mall.
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