Rep. Maldonado Supports Bill Increasing Oversight Accountability of TRCC

width=65Austin State Representative Diana Maldonado (HD-52) of Round Rock recently helped pass the Texas Residential Construction Commission (TRCC) sunset legislation in the Texas House of Representatives. The TRCC Sunset Bill House Bill 2295 made significant modifications to the Commission in an attempt to increase consumer protections. In response to numerous complaints from the citizens of Hutto about faulty homebuilders I eagerly looked forward to the day when the legislature would have the opportunity to review and enact changes to the Residential Construction Commission Maldonado said. While this legislation is not as comprehensive as I believe we need it is at least a positive step towards requiring real accountability and responsibility from homebuilders. Many new homeowners have found themselves in detrimental situations because their newly built homes have experienced construction defects. Unfortunately there is only minimal assistance from the state in such instances because the TRCC lacks oversight authority of the industry. Moreover the current system precludes access to the courts therefore new homeowners are left with months and years of inspections mediations and arbitrations that offer little or no relief. In response to this Maldonado introduced and passed an amendment to the bill that was included in the final House version. The amendment requires new home contracts to clearly state that if a homeowner agrees to arbitration they are waiving their right to a trial by jury. My amendment raises awareness for new homebuyers on the potential consequences that are associated with arbitration Maldonado said. An informed and prepared homebuyer provides stability and integrity in our towns and communities. Other highlights of the bill include: Eliminating the $250 fee to file a complaint with a builder to begin the TRCC Inspection Process; Requiring new builders to pass an exam become licensed and post a $25000 bond; Placing the next TRCC Sunset Review in 4 years; Requiring commercial homebuilders to obtain a state contractors license to remodel homes. Maldonado sits on the House Committee on State Affairs and the Committee on Defense and Veterans Affairs. She is serving her first term in the Texas House of Representatives and represents House District 52 which encompasses a portion of Williamson County including Round Rock Taylor Hutto Thrall Coupland and part of Georgetown and Austin.
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