October 15 2009 - BURLESON -- Today standing among supporters from throughout District 58 (Johnson and Bosque Counties) State Representative Rob Orr R-Burleson announced his intention to seek a fourth term in the Texas House of Representatives.
His announcement came at an event hosted by Kathy and Dr. Joe Martin at their Cleburne home. Joining Rep. Orr and adding his support for his continued service to the State of Texas was Texas Agriculture Commissioner Todd Staples.
I am excited to announce my candidacy and look forward to serving the citizens of District 58 Rep. Orr said. I am proud of my conservative business-friendly pro-life and pro-family voting record that has not changed since I entered the legislature in 2005.
Among his accomplishments over the past three legislative sessions Rep. Orr points to passage of a conservative budget for the state reduction of property taxes appraisal district reforms and increasing protections for property owners through prior written notification of oil and gas drilling.
In addition Rep. Orr supported enhanced funding for Texas state parks and secured groundwater conservation districts for Johnson and Bosque Counties. He has also worked to increase the availability of immunizations for children and to reduce the onerous regulations between physicians and advance practice nurses.
I am also extremely proud to have co-sponsored legislation that added God into the pledge to the Texas flag he said.
Recently named a Champion for Free Enterprise by the Texas Association of Business Rep. Orr has long advocated for private property rights especially regarding eminent domain. I believe that property owners should be treated fairly when eminent domain is exercised. This is an area I have and will continue to work on Rep. Orr said.
During his tenure Rep. Orr has distinguished himself by earning important appointments which have allowed him to work on behalf of his constituents and fight for conservative principles. In the recently completed 81st Legislative Session Rep. Orr was appointed to the House Business and Industry Local and Consent Calendars and the Land and Resource Management Committees. He continues to serve on the House Research Organization the Texas Conservative Coalition and the Republican Caucus Policy Committee determining which bills and amendments the Republican Caucus supported in the past session.
In previous sessions he has served on the Redistricting and Financial Institutions Committees. During the Interim of the 80th Legislative Session Rep. Orr served as chairman of the Land and Resource Management Committee.
Rep. Orr has twice been appointed to the House Research Organization and The Energy Council a national/international legislative organization that focuses on policies regarding energy and the environment.
Rep. Orr and his wife Pam own Orr & Associates Real Estate in Burleson. They are the proud parents of five children and five grandchildren. Rep. Orr has served his community in numerous capacities including Chairman of the Board of the Burleson Area Chamber of Commerce president of the Greater Fort Worth Association of REALTORS and as a member of the Johnson County Economic Development Commission. He and his wife are members of St. Matthews Cumberland Presbyterian Church in Burleson.