BURLESON State Rep. Rob Orr (R-Burleson) ealier today encouraged all interested individuals across Texas to serve on textbook review panels for the Texas Education Agency (TEA). These panels will review instructional materials for the upcoming adoption cycle to ensure that the materials meet state standards and contain no factual errors.
Panel members play a vital role by ensuring that our school children have the highest quality textbooks and other instructional materials. I encourage anyone who is interested to submit their applications to TEA said Rep. Orr.
The following subject areas will be reviewed during this adoption cycle:
- Pre-kindergarten materials
- English Language Arts grades 2-8
- Spanish Language Arts grades 2-8
- English as a Second Language grades K-8
- Spelling grades 1-6
- Handwriting grades 1-3
- Speech grades 6-8
- English high school levels
The application forms can be found at
Completed application forms must be submitted by January 15 and may be sent electronically to
review.adoption@tea.state.tx.us by fax to (512) 463-8728 or mailed to:
- Review & Adoption
Instructional Materials & Education Technology
Texas Education Agency
1701 N Congress Ave.
Austin TX 78701-1494

Individuals selected for the review panels will be expected to serve for one week in the June/July timeframe.
The panels will meet in Austin and lodging and travel expenses will be reimbursed in accordance with state law.
Rep. Rob Orr is serving his 3rd term in the Texas House of Representatives where he serves on the Business and Industry Land and Resource Management and Local and Consent Calendars Committees.
He is also serving his second term on the House Research Organization. Rep. Orr is an active member of the Republican Caucus Policy Committee and the Texas Conservative Coalition.