Published: 10-17-07

The University of Texas at Arlington President Jim Spaniolo welcomed those in attendance and Dean of Education Dr. Jeanne Gerlach presented an overview of PK-16 initiatives.

Break-Out Session topics included Charter Schools English As A Second Language Technology In Schools School-To-Work Accountability & Assessment and Learning Differences.
Attendees participated in round-table discussions and policy priorities were reported to Representative Patrick upon conclusion. Retired teacher Beverly Reynolds gave closing remarks and received a standing ovation for her humorous recount of her life as a teacher.
Representative Diane Patrick who serves on both the House Public Education and Higher Education Committees gave a brief wrap-up of the Summit. “What an encouragement to see the strong interest in addressing education issues for our state. I look forward to working towards the priorities expressed at this year’s Summit.”
Representative Diane Patrick who serves on both the House Public Education and Higher Education Committees gave a brief wrap-up of the Summit. “What an encouragement to see the strong interest in addressing education issues for our state. I look forward to working towards the priorities expressed at this year’s Summit.”