Published: 02-02-09
State Representative Jim Jackson (R-Carrollton) has filed House Bill 658 which requires all governmental entities in Texas whether it is the state or any other political subdivision to participate in the electronic status verification system which is the basic pilot program for E-Verify.
The E-Verify Program was created by the federal Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996 which is operated by the Department of Homeland Security to verify information of all new employees.
Under provisions of the bill if passed the Texas Workforce Commission would adopt rules to implement the legislation and any persons responsible for verifying new employee hires who do not comply are subject to immediate termination.
Rep. Jackson stated Requiring the use of E-Verify would not burden employers as it is free quick and simple to use. In the third quarter of 2008 96 of employees checked through the system were confirmed instantly or within 24 hours as authorized to work according to federal statistics.
Also all employers would be held to the same standard. Knowingly hiring undocumented workers is illegal and the first organization that should obey the law is governmental entities and employees. The benefits should outweigh any disadvantages according to a 2007 evaluation of the program for the Department of Homeland Security.
Representative Jackson was sworn in for a third term as State Representative representing District 115
which includes the town of Addison cities of Carrollton Coppell and Farmers Branch and the northern Dallas area.
To share your views on this or any other state issue please contact State Representative Jim Jackson at the Capitol: Phone: 512-463-0468 Address: P.O. Box 2910 Austin Texas 78768-2910. In the District: Phone: 972-416-7698 Address: 1120 Metrocrest Drive #107 Carrollton Texas 75006.