Representative Sid Miller Announces He Will Seek Reelection to Texas House

House Agriculture and Livestock Committee Chair kicks off campaign for Fifth Term in Texas Legislature

Published: 12-18-07

Stephenville Texas—Today State Representative Sid Miller officially announced that he would seek a fifth term in the Texas House of Representatives.  In making his announcement Miller the Chairman of the Texas House Agriculture and Livestock Committee and an appointed member of the state’s Agriculture Policy Board said that he looks forward to continuing representing the values of the hardworking families of District 59 and that he still has much work to do in helping to preserve and strengthen the Texas agriculture interests that his committee oversees.

"It has been a tremendous honor to serve the citizens of District 59 for the last seven years in the Texas Legislature and I look forward to continuing my work on their behalf" Miller said.
Representative Miller is currently serving his fourth term in the Texas House of Representatives where he has gained a reputation as leader who does what he says says what he means and gets things done for the people of Texas. 

Miller’s record in the Texas House includes his work in helping pass the largest property tax cut in the state’s history improving healthcare for Texans with his support of tort reform and his strong support preserving the traditional values that have made Texas strong.  Representative Miller was the author of legislation that created the “Texas Cares Program” which became the model for the Pharmacy Prescription Assistance program which has provided billions of dollars worth of needed prescription medicines for Seniors and other Americans who need but cannot afford them.  

Representative Miller led the fight to protect Texans from identity theft and he helped lead the fight to protect our children from the serious threat of both online and sexual offenders helping Texas pass “Jessica’s Law” one of the strongest laws in the nation against child sexual predators. 

Miller has been a strong advocate for education fighting to give teacher’s a well deserved pay raise and helping reduce the amount of unnecessary paperwork so that they can spend more time doing what they best—educating our young people and helping them prepare for the future.  He has fought for more local control of our schools and on the higher education front has been Tarleton State University’s strongest backer in the Legislature by helping the university secure over $100 million in new constructions and campus upgrades.

As the past Chairman of the House Republican Caucus and as a member of the Conservative Coalition Sid Miller has been a strong advocate for tougher border security and for stronger state efforts to help curb the flow of illegal immigrants.

"We have accomplished a lot over the years but there is still much work to be done" said Representative Miller. "It is imperative that we pass a Voter ID bill that will bring integrity back to the voting booth and our Texas elections” said Miller.  “We must also continue to fight to protect our precious private property rights and that means fixing the eminent domain laws that put Texan’s property at risk” he added.

Miller who enjoys the strong support of both the Texas State and National Rifle Associations said that he would continue to be on the watch for any legislation that would impede Texans right to keep and bear arms for any reason.

“This past legislative session we took action to clarify the right of every Texan to protect themselves by removing any prohibition from carrying a firearm in their cars and we passed the ‘Castle Doctrine’ which means that Texans can take the actions needed to protect themselves and their families when an intruder is trying to break into their home car or business” Miller said. “Unfortunately each and every session there are new threats to our Second Amendment freedoms and we must remain ever vigilant to any attempt to weaken those precious freedoms” Miller added.  

Representative Miller has also been champion of our armed forces and our veterans.  Miller whose district includes most of Fort Hood has fought to protect the right of active duty military personnel to vote in state and local elections and he was the author of the bill that created the Texas Veterans Cemetery system with the first such cemetery being built in Central Texas.

Miller said that as the Chairman of the Agriculture and Livestock Committee he would continue his aggressive actions to strengthen agribusiness in Texas and to preserve our Texas heritage.

He said that agriculture has always been the foundation of a strong Texas and that we must continue to fight to ensure that foundation remains strong and prosperous.  Miller said that over the next twelve months he would be holding hearings across Texas to address issues such as ways to help preserve the equine industry in Texas encourage the expansion of biofuel production in Texas and to monitor the development and implementation of the 2007 Federal Farm Bill and to determine the impact of the legislation on Texas agriculture producers.

Representative Miller has previously been recognized as the "Freshman of the Year" by the House Republican Caucus for his tireless work and his strong adherence to conservative principles during the 77th Legislative Session.  He is also a two time recipient of the "Fighter for Free Enterprise" Award from the Texas Association of Business due to his strong pro-business voting record in the Texas House. 

This year he was named a “Taxpayer Hero” by Texans for Fiscal Responsibility for his efforts in the legislature to protect the interests of Texas taxpayers and he was named one of the top 25 fiscal conservatives in the Texas Legislature by Empower Texas.  He has consistently been recognized and endorsed by virtually every pro-family group in Texas for his efforts to protect the values of faith family and freedom. Because of his conservative pro-family voting record in the Texas House he has also been consistently named one of the top ten conservative lawmakers in the legislature.

“The people of District 59 have honored me with their support and I have worked hard to merit the trust they have placed in me” said Representative Miller. “Texas is at crossroads and we face new threats and new challenges.  I pledge to continue to truly represent the values of the people who call District 59 home and to be their voice in our state’s capitol” Miller concluded.

District 59 includes all of Erath Comanche Mills Hamilton Coryell and Somervell Counties.

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