Austin Texas- Concerned about the possibility of a drastic change in the way science has been taught in Texas State Representative Wayne Christian (Center) has filed House Bill 4224.
This bill will ensure that Texas continues its nearly 20 year commitment to teaching students to to analyze review and critique scientific explanations including hypotheses and theories as to the strengths and weaknesses using scientific evidence and information.
In January of this year by a one vote margin the State Board of Education (SBOE) voted to change Texas science standards by removing the words critique" and weaknesses" from the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills requirements sending the message that students are no longer allowed to ask critical questions and are banned from discussing the weaknesses" of scientific theories and hypotheses.
Science and students understanding of this critical subject will be damaged if we censor healthy discussion in the classroom. In Texas we will not tolerate such an infringement on liberty and progress. Scientific progress results when we have more information not less. The vote of some SBOE members has left me no choice but to file this bill and save science in Texas from a censorship path of no return" said Christian.
HB 4224 also ensures protection for teachers and students that discus the strengths and weaknesses of scientific theories. The recent SBOE hearings have revealed an open hostility to critical discussions of scientific theories in which students have felt intimidated and discriminated against for asking critical questions about science and some teachers have felt unsure where to strike a balance.
Texas classrooms should be science-friendly and encourage discussion without fear of being punished or penalized for asking critical questions and discussing weakness of scientific theories" said Christian.
The 20 year standard of teaching the strengths and weaknesses" of scientific theories has strong support as evidenced by the many teachers professors and concerned citizens who have testified at SBOE hearings and informed their SBOE members of their support by correspondence.
Scientists teachers citizens and students agree that we must keep the strengths and weaknesses standard and that is what I am committed to do with HB 4224."
Christian is serving his sixth term as State Representative for House District 9 which includes Jasper Nacogdoches Sabine San Augustine and Shelby counties. His current committee assignments include Vice Chair of Criminal Jurisprudence and a member of Business and Industry. He is the President of the Texas Conservative Coalition.