Two Former Presidents of the State Bar of Texas: Guy Harrison and Darrell Jordan

Dallas - Justice Jim Moseley announced he has been endorsed by two former Presidents of the State Bar of Texas: Guy Harrison of Longview and Darrell Jordan of Dallas. The two former Bar Presidents are supporting Justice Moseley in his race for Texas Supreme Court Place 3. Moseley is currently on the Fifth District Court of Appeals in Dallas.
It has been my honor to know Justice Jim Moseley as a judge and be able to visit with him personally on a one-on-one basis regarding his judicial philosophy and his personal views of family and community" said Guy Harrison. Jim Moseley is fair consistent and intellectually honest. I support Justice Moseley because I believe he will be exactly the type of jurist Texans would be honored to have on their Supreme Court.
Guy Harrison served as the 122nd President of the State Bar of Texas from 2002-2003. He is a graduate from SMU Law School and now resides and practices law in Longview.
Said Darrell Jordan: Justice Jim Moseley and I worked on a number of judicial political campaigns together when he was in private practice. He believes judges should decide cases based on the law and the facts and not attempt to legislate from the bench. He backs up that belief with a record of doing just that on the court of appeals--consistently and for over thirteen years. Im confident hell continue that record on the states highest civil court. Thats why Im supporting Justice Jim Moseley for Texas Supreme Court.
Darrell Jordan served as the President of the State Bar of Texas from 1989-1990. Mr. Jordan is a graduate from SMU Law School and now practices law in Dallas with the firm of Dykema Gossett PLLC.
The endorsements of Harrison and Jordan follows endorsements Justice Moseley has received from both RNC Committeewoman (now Republican Party of Texas Chair) Cathie Adams and RNC Committeeman Bill Crocker. Justice Jim Moseley has also been endorsed by the Texas Restaurant Association.
In announcing the endorsements Justice Moseley said I believe my record as a lawyer and a justice on the court of appeals demonstrates my dedication to and respect for the law the Texas judicial system and the principle of judicial restraint. To have Guy Harrison and Darrell Jordan offer their support is a tremendous honor to me both personally and professionally. Im proud to receive their endorsements.
Justice Moseley was appointed to the Dallas Court of Appeals in 1996 by Governor George W. Bush. In a recent Judicial Evaluation Poll conducted by the Dallas Bar Association Moseley was the highest-rated justice on the Dallas court of appeals. He served as Chair of the State Bars Antitrust & Business Litigation Section in 2007-08. Moseley has been active in the Republican Party serving as a precinct chairman county-vice chairman county chairman and a member of the partys state executive committee. Moseley is also a founding member of the Dallas Lawyers chapter of the Federalist Society a conservative legal organization.
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