Texas Insider Report

Residents just outside the Austin city-limits in Spicewood Springs are alarmed about plans for a Water Treatment Plant #4 transmission line as well as an excavation shaft in their neighborhood. Patrick McGuinness running for State Representative in the competitive swing-District 50 just north & west of Austin is a longtime Austinite who wants to do something about it.
Says McGuinness The WTP #4 Jollyville transmission line is planned to traverse underground for 7 miles from WTP #4 near 620 all the way over to the Jollyville water tower at 183 and McNeil literally undermining Balcones Preserve and Spicewood Springs.
A large excavation shaft on the corner of Spicewood Springs Road & Old Lampasas Trail is planned for access to the mining tunnel.
The huge amount of excavated tunnel material would be taken up the shaft loaded onto trucks and hauled away right through the middle of the neighborhood" McGuinness says.
Many residents McGuinness has talked to are concerned over having a large mining operation with 1000s of trucks in and out of the neighborhood. Their conern is over the creation of serious safety problems increased traffic road damage caused by heavy equipment noise and other yet-to-be discovered issues ... both economic & environmental.
The shaft is on city park land at the bottom of a steep hill near Canyon Vista Middle School" said McGuinness.
I joined with other neighborhood residents and attended a meeting on it last night.
This website -
www.DontDrillSpicewoodSprings.com - has been created to share more information on this issue of serious local concern" McGuinness said.
I have signed their petition calling on the City of Austin to suspend these mining plans through Spicewood Springs. If you are a neighbor in the Mountain Spicewood

Springs Road area etc. I urge you to sign it as well."
Patrick McGuinness running for State Representative in District 50 north of Austin is an active conservative & longtime Austin resident and engineer at Freescale. McGuinness holds a doctorate in Computer Science. He and his wife Celeste have four children.