Austin TX - Former State Representative Rick Green has scored several key endorsements in his bid for the Texas Supreme Court Place 3. Actor and martial arts champion Chuck Norris announced his support for Green in his WorldNetDaily column.
Norris wrote As a former state legislator and constitutional scholar trained to defend our nations founding principles Green is exactly the kind of justice we need serving on the Texas Supreme Court."
Green replied We are thrilled and very honored to have the support of Chuck Norris. Hes a fine American and a respected voice for conservatism and family values.
In addition Green has launched a considerable social media campaign which has garnered over 8000 Facebook fans and large support on Twitter.
Green said Our goal was to mount an aggressive social media and grassroots campaign that has not been seen in a Supreme Court race before and I think we are succeeding."
Green feels this type of momentum will produce a strong showing at the polls in the Republican Primary on March 2nd.
For a complete list of endorsements visit
www.RickGreen2010.com and get plugged into the Green campaign at