AUSTIN - Texas State Representative Debbie Riddle (R - District 150) has been installed as the new president for the National Order of Women Legislators the membership arm of the National Foundation for Women Legislators (NFWL).
The foundation is a non-profit bipartisan organization representing more than 2000 women serving in all levels of elected positions throughout the country from Congress to state legislatures to city councils. According to the
NFWL website the groups mission statement is to provide strategic resources to women leaders for leadership development and effective governance through conferences effective seminars issuing education materials professional and personal relationships and networking at both the state and federal levels.
Representative Riddle is an articulate and impassioned leader" said NFWL President & CEO Robin Read. As she takes the helm of the Executive Committee she will be an incredible asset to the growth of the Foundation and I am confident that with her commitment this will be one of the most exciting and productive years that NFWL has seen."
Working with the NFWL has been one of the most valuable experiences of my entire legislative career Riddle said. I have been honored to call these women my friends and colleagues and it is a privilege to serve as their president.
Last year when Hurricane Ike carved a path of destruction from the Texas coastline to more than a hundred miles inland the NFWL and Riddle worked together to secure truckloads of food water and other necessities for thousands of families in Northwest Harris County. All of the relief was provided without the use of any taxpayer dollars and without the oversight of any government agency.
The most special thing about the NFWL is it so clearly demonstrates what can be accomplished when we put aside the things that so often divide us; things like political affiliations economic concerns cultural differences; and instead focus on networking our resources to really bring about immediate positive results Riddle said. This is a unique fellowship that broadens our horizons not just as women but as people who have a calling and a responsibility to be leaders in our communities.
Elected women from across the nation gathered at NFWLs recent Annual Conference in New Mexico to identify effective solutions to some of the nations most pressing issues. The groups annual conferences provide a non-partisan environment that encourages dialogue and information-sharing. Legislators are able to build coalitions share the concerns of their constituents and highlight initiatives that have been successful within their own state at these annual events.
NFWLs 2010 Annual Conference will take place November 18-22 at a location to be named shortly.