By: U.S. Sen. John Cornyn
Published: 06-10-08
I like to describe Washington as 68 square miles of logic-free environment surrounded by reality. But the antics of Congress this month make that appear an understatement.
Gas prices are now hovering near $4 per gallon. High fuel costs are causing disruption in our society prompting layoffs in some industries. Yet Congress is doing virtually nothing to address the problem. In fact it’s talking about ways to make the problem worse.
In my view the solution is straightforward. We need more energy. Government should get out of the way let the free market work and allow more domestic energy production. This would reduce gas prices even in the near-term expand job opportunities in Texas—a world energy leader—and reduce our dependence on foreign oil.
But earlier this month the Senate actually considered a massive climate tax bill that headed in the exact opposite direction. This massive $6.7 trillion Rube Goldberg scheme proposed by Sen. Barbara Boxer D-Calif. would undermine our economy and likely lead to $10 per gallon gasoline. It could well eliminate some 330000 Texas jobs sending them to places with limited regulation like China and India.
How can this be explained? After blocking American energy production and oil independence Congress pursues bigger government added taxes and higher energy costs—with no guarantee of actually improving the world’s climate.
It is vital that we be the best possible stewards of the environment. Fortunately improved technology has enabled us to take advantage of America’s own abundant natural resources in an environmentally sensitive way. Yet the U.S. remains the only country in the world that refuses to develop many of its natural resources.
America is aggressively moving from fossil fuels to more diverse energy sources including wind nuclear solar and clean coal. We need all of this supply. The government and private industry are both investing to promote and expedite this transition and using steps such as increasing vehicle fuel-efficiency standards.
In the short term however oil gas and coal will remain our dominant sources of energy. The free market could provide significant additional supplies—but Congress continues to prevent that.
Some of my colleagues are pushing a novel plan to address the energy crisis. They want to tax sue and investigate our way out of it. But boosting taxes on American companies and pursuing phony price gouging inquiries are proven losing strategies—and might even make the situation worse. These approaches would not produce a single drop of additional oil and would actually increase our dependence on countries like Saudi Arabia and Venezuela.
As demand for energy increases prices go up. Congress cannot repeal the law of supply and demand. But it can repeal the unnecessary government restrictions that prevent exploring additional American energy supplies.
I will continue advocating for removal of government barriers to increasing the supply of energy from traditional to alternative sources. There is no instant solution to the problem we’ve helped create. But we should not wait any longer to take the first steps to provide Texans relief at the gas pump.